Hello all,
some months ago, I decided myself to try to program a game I had in mind for quite some time. I’m originally a web developper, and have a pretty good knowledge in java so I naturally choosed this language, ignoring all the “java is slow !!” I was hearing here and there
And so I naturally discovered this forum, which in turn made me discover LWJGL. Then I had no doubt that I would be able to do what I had in mind with java.
I started this project in october 2011, with zero knowledge in opengl. I had a previous little game experience 10 years ago using C and directX ( the game was a brick breaker … ) but I was a very beginner in programming at this time (during my studies …).
Ok, enough bla bla, let’s talk about the game !
The game I had in mind from the begining was a mix of quake3 and Alien breed ( the first ones on amiga ). I took the top down view and the 2Dness from alien breed and the FPS/multiplayer aspect from quake3. So my idea was that any player that is used to an FPS will have absolutly no difficulties to handle my gameplay. I also had the idea to implement a fog of war so that you can’t see behind a wall and some dynamic lights/shadows
A beta demo is available from here:
If you have any issue running the game, please tell me !
The game has been greenlit !!!
The latest trailer :
In game screenshots:
I’m also developping in parallel a map editor:
The controls :
defaults for FR:
- forward : Z
- backward : S
- strafe left : Q
- strafe right : D
for others :
- forward : W
- backward : S
- strafe left : A
- strafe right : D
for all :
- walk/run : shift
- fire weapon : left mouse click
- melee attack : right mouse click
- next/previous weapon : mouse wheel
- 1 to 6 : direct weapon select
- flashlight toggle : F
- see scores : TAB
You can now change the controls as well as the display settings in the options of the game.
- press F5 to see the FPS counter / server ping time
Ok I think that’s all for now, I’m waiting for your comments !!
PS : please forgive my english, I’m french
PPS : the todo list :
- screens:
- options screen
- controls
- display
- multiplayer screens
- join game screen ( select server, enter IP address … )
- create game screen ( server name, internet game, ports, pure server )
- lobby ( select maps, frag limit, game type)
- options screen
- network :
- handle lag for internet play
- map/entities:
- animated sprites
- animatable entities
- with animated sprites
- moving sprites
- non grid aligned elements
- interactive elements
- doors (require animatable entities)
- buttons …
- pickable elements ( weapons, ammo, medikit … )
- temporary elements ( dead body, blood )
- weapons:
- shoot animation
- melee weapons ( knife, hands … )
- enhanced weapons
- manage ammo
- players:
- animatable
- different animations when moving
- on death animation (replaced by blood explosion)
- different player skins
- game types:
- deathmatch
- team deathmatch
- capture the flag
- map editor:
- advanced creation mode/brushes
- modify entities
- delete entities
- particle system
- blood
- smoke
- explosions
… and certainly more