Creating rpg Multiplayer Game[Update 13/More Advanced Entity System] - inactive

Creating online RPG. Doesn’t know what an array is. I like this.

I’m trying so hard not to laugh right now.

Just this whole thread.

Amazingly Stupid.

  • Jev

glad i make you Lauth ^^

well i have been working with the entitys to make evry thing at end alot easyer i saw my game lagged alot so i will create a new System for map loading as well
it will only render all blocks in 200 radius around player and remove stuff that is out side the screen and re render it when player goes near might help to make less
lagg ty for reading post, stay awsume!

You should post one of your larger class files sometime in the pastebin, I’m really curious what it looks like. :stuck_out_tongue:

dont have large one right know am trying to create evry thing as small as possible so it is easy to read

As shown by your posts, smaller is not neccessarily easier to read. :wink:

xD lol