Guyzs is k ryt, pp meens professional people
i see what you did there B)
This kind of reminds me of the Orz in Star Control II (one of the best games ever):
Also incomprehensible, although their spelling was somewhat better. Anyway, bonus points for enthousiasm And good luck.
thank you
u guyz jst dont get it ! Only rlly dtermined ppl will decipher his cryptic mssges.
| |
| BOX | me (way outside box)
Do you have something against me or something meatman?
m8, dat graf 15 a7roshus; rekt. 4llow m3 70 sho u:
| | loln00b b0x |opiop| xX||-1337-||Xx
| | | wes | xX||-5qu4r3-||Xx saucy (lol outcastic)
|| ||
omg w3 5o pr0
Notice how he wrote the preamble; he was joking, as I was.
I just don’t understand you younglings and your kryptk msgs u shw m3 h0w t0 do m8? chk ur inB0x. pew pew.
1s 1t ju57 m3 or 1s l337 r11y h4rd t0 r34d.
T’was a joke.
Wont happen again
Haha, I know I guess sarcasm doesn’t play nice with the internet!
D0 U 3V3N 1337-5P34K, 8R0?
What was this thread about again?
thats not hard to read =D thats pretty cool i never use sutch update 6 comes in about 20 / 30 minutes
XD hahaha
Test Play is now Downloadable
i will try to get update out to night i have changed its no longer an rpg game =D its another one its a secret =O stay tunned
Why no mak rpg eni moar?
Itz n0t ou7sid3 the bOx!
i do am just learning stuff like arrays, i realist my game lagged alot ^^