Creating rpg Multiplayer Game[Update 13/More Advanced Entity System] - inactive


we have not coded for awhile now will continiu later cya

videos will be down for awile now ama put all in to one and create an api for the game
for ex api will have: load levels system,entitys system movingentitys system and suth
ty for reading

i have not updated the game for awile now its cus i learn shit =( so sy if no update shuld come soon

there will be update like 3 times a week or something or when i feel like uploading but now i have been working to improve Entity classes
and sutch
//latest video
part 13(More Advanced Entity System)

might not be hd yet

download for the zombie ai test game lols

i have no clue about packets or anything so one of those would be cool to have in the team
this is what i have been working on the last 3 days just easy menu/basic player thing
i need pp that really LOVE coding not just the ones like, oh this is cool, i want WOW FREAKING LOVE THAT HOW YOU DO THAT?!?!?! [going crazy]
those pp are the best , thats my opinion so yeah hope you guys like the menu thing, btw its far away from done

follow me on twitter to check latest updates before thay come here

part 1


part 2(small update)


part 3(Wtf is that Cube?!)


part 4(that stop button tho ^^)


part 5(Speed Hacker =()


part 6(love that HealthRegen)


part 7(wtf is that?!)


part 8(Inventory of Awsumeness)


part 9(Networking just started ^^)

<-- might not be hd yet

part 10(New menu/save and load data)


part 11(Some More Ai Test + auto spawn after die =D)


part 12(small sneeky peek)


“”""""""""""", pls comment of what you think about it =D

i need other devolopers that are creative and can say what thay think is better and why its better

IDE: eclipse
my skype is : tomastero


First off, don’t abbreviate people. If you really want people to join your project then you need to show everyone that you can be responsible enough to actually lead that team. Team leaders are generally people who take the time to think about what they are posting, stating their problem clearly, giving their contact information and most important: having good grammar. No one wants to work with someone that doesn’t capitalize their 'I’s or not use periods, at least I know I wouldn’t.

Just something to think about.

i dontttttt thiiink sppeling is importtant heere, Coding is thee important

and you can read that anyway , if you brain power is good -.-

Oh god, back you troll.

You completely misunderstood me, I could care less about your spelling. But other people do care. People that could potentially want to work on your project. But, like I said earlier, no one wants to work with someone who doesn’t even put in the effort to compose a decent opening post. You just proved my point.

Wait, are you talking about your menu?

Well, the menu is okay. I suppose you want people to be all impressed that the cursor has a little atom that follows it. I suppose it works. It could use a nice background underlay of either the game world or something to bring it out more. It looks functional, so all-in-all great job.

Are you actually trying to start a small team?

I wrote a recent post about it…

Development Team Hints

But, it’ll take more than a menu to generate results. Try to see if you can get some information about the game itself posted up like the features, pics (if available), and combat systems. I’ll be lurking around. The progress on the main menu looks good. Keep it up :).

Nice post just read it all, will help alot ty

am one of those pp that dont give up, i love to code am not like others like ok that works lets try that!
i have no explanation on how mutch i love to code =D

btw do you know what saros is?

If you want to start a team, step one is to act professionally. You may not give two darns you can’t complete a coherent sentence, but the “pp” who work for you will.

Talk professionally, and you’ll get professional people. :wink:

Thank god someone understands what I’m talking about around here…

hypothetically if i talk professional i will get the professional people that think really close to the game standard, that equals inside the box.

example: sandbox game like Minecraft, first person shooter like Call Of Duty

if i don’t talk like an professional, i just might get the people that thinks outside the box.

good ?!


What kind of terrible logic is that…

I don’t think you understand anything about how game development works. You think all those programmers making those popular games are all dumb people who just think inside the box? How about they need money to survive, and being a game developer is hard? Not to mention most of those game developers have no say in the game they are creating.

well this hypothetically means that i think outside the box ^^ 8) nailed it

You certainly do.


In case you aren’t a troll, please heed my advice:

If you want anyone to join your team (with that snazzy menu, I’m sure everyone already does :persecutioncomplex:), you need to have professionalism. That does not mean you cannot have fun with game development, but ‘thinking outside the box’ does not mean you are supposed to not use grammar, and ignore everyones advice. It means you try something new that hasn’t been done before, or add a twist to an already fantastic idea. This will not show in your lack of grammar, but in the game itself.

Again, if you are a troll, just skip this and keep talking…


Going on what wes said, poor grammar and etiquette are hardly original.

Thank you Wessles. When you have team you can screw around all you want. “Think outside the box” or whatever you call this act, do it all you want when you have people that want to work with you. But to get them you need to make your game attractive to others. Right now it isn’t, mainly because of how you have responded to our suggestions. It’s immature, not professional at all and it shows us you cannot lead a team.

well i think fun is the most important in the game devo, thats what keeps (evry (<-- lazy)) body to keep on working coos thay enjoy working with it

and btw i read all your advices and will use your advices when i think and feel i “really” need them.

To avoid another Yuri-situation (repeating of same points over and over), let’s just let him figure out just how soon he “needs” our advice on his own.

Best of luck to you, VIrtueeL.

-wes :clue:

Take a look at these guys. They think outside the box as a multi-million dollar, professional company. Getting unprofessional/lazy people may get you crazy ideas, but they will just give up when trying to create those ideas.

face it if u r lookng 4 pp who r crzy abt codng nd r lazy nd dont listn to more xpernced pp nd spl lik ths thn u r beynd hlp.

Let me know how that works out for you. Then I can compare your results to the last 10 or so people who said the same thing and maybe the success rate will rise above 0%.

Edit: By the way, I had to use Google translate to get the first part of the post. That stuff takes ages to write.