suggestion ? put that new interface online right now!! you will see later for polishing
Cool! It looks pro. Just one personal comment: there’s too much yellow in the header and I’d rather have the title in a more vivid color.
I like it, but the only think that annoys me is the header.
@TheAnalogKid: I really don’t know where all the games went either? ???
Yes, I am not too happy with the header either. It’s easy to fix at a later stage however. I don’t know, I played around with the header for a long time, it just never came out right. I will get back to it later. Any image/icons you would like to see? Hey, if you donate some icons from your games guys, I’ll see if they integrate!?
I am also not too happy with the game info field (game info for each game). Any idea on how to make it look better? I figured image + game description + links. Ideas? How should it be colored/structured?
[quote]I will get back to it later. Any image/icons you would like to see?
Sorry but I don’t have anything to propose for now… :-\
[quote]Hey, if you donate some icons from your games guys, I’ll see if they integrate!?
I’d like to do so but my game doesn’t really suit the needs I guess.
About the header, just as a comparison, I love the general look & feel of It’s very clean and beautiful to me, but that’s just my personal taste. It’s just that there’s just too much yellow.
First, I need to fix the problem you spoke about some days ago before doing something else, sorry for the delay.
Secondly, we have no order to receive from you or from anyone. I don’t like the way you speak to us, really. I hope it was just a bad joke. Christoph and me are trying to do our best to progressively improve the Tome, I need to solve some functional problems before putting the new interface.
Some people complained because there were too many games on the home page. Now, there are several sections with fewer games but your game is still here.
Finally, I need to resize and put the images onto the server, please be patient.
I’m 99.9% sure that was written in a very positive manner. As if he really liked the design, and responded in a “WOW!” fashion to it.
I think you should start assuming the better of people around here. I have been browsing this board for little more than a month, and it does not seem to be the place where there’s a lot of “negative” people.
In fact, I don’t think there’s anyone on these board at all that is out to annoy people, or that does not have a very friendly approach.
What I’m trying to say is: most people are here to help and they are indeed very friendly about it.
Should anyone for any reason behave like an ass towards you or anyone else for that matter, the best way to deal with it in my opinion, is to just ignore it.
Considering the language barrier you’re facing, it’s safer to assume that people are out to help you rather than not. Remember the whole “chap” ordeal with Kevglass? That was totally unnecessary and unproductive in every way. I’d vouch for him being a VERY helpful and friendly chap/guy. I do not know him personally but within the communities here I couldn’t have asked for more help from him.
And to add to tackle I have a question for you gouessej: why do you interpret comments/responses so negatively or offensively? Sometimes people express themselves with emotions or if they tell you negative comments, it’s not for the sake of attacking you personally it’s because they just want to help in a constructive manner.
Demanding anything whereas we already do our best is not what I call “a constructive manner” of helping us. Don’t forget that I said “I hope it was just a bad joke”, it means that I knew that I might have misunderstood what he meant.
I was not sure it was negative, that is why I said “I hope it was just a bad joke”.
Someone asked me to remove his game from the Tome… I haven’t forgotten it.
Which language barrier? Jérome Blouin is French too as far as I know, English is not the mother tongue of everybody here. Nevertheless, you’re right, many people are here to help. I have received some threats and many negative aggressive feedbacks on some other websites, it is totally different here.
[quote]Demanding anything whereas we already do our best is not what I call “a constructive manner” of helping us.
Maybe some will demand anything but sometimes even weak suggestions open at the very least the discussion and often this brings great and/or constructive ideas for the better. Additionally, qualifying it as “demanding anything” is from your point of view; it’s not necessary anything. Some might express their ideas not clearly enough or their idea might not be clear or elaborated enough as well.
Anyway, that’s how I see the whole point. Do what you want to do with it.
Yes I understand that. This is exactly the case where it might be better to not say anything.
If you say “I don’t like the way you speak to us, really.”, regardless of the fact that you both know and say that you might have misunderstood it, people will most likely interpret that as if you were very offended by it. No matter if they meant it or not.
Who are we talking about here?
The language barrier I’m talking about is not between you and anyone french, rather english.
I’m talking about for instance what I brought up;
This was written in english in a certain tone and style which I fear you might’ve misinterpreted, thus your reply that you did not like the way he was speaking to you. I believe he was mainly trying to show a positive response; that he really liked the design. Simple as that.
And once again I bring up the “chap” ordeal. Had you known what that word actually meant, then it wouldn’t have ended in a fight. Do you see what I mean? This is the language barrier I’m talking about.
I’m not saying it’s wrong that you don’t interpret everything correctly. I’m saying that if you’re not sure, it’s better to assume that people are friendly. Turns out, in most cases they are!
I am aware that not everyone has english as their mother tongue. I myself have swedish as my main language, but I have learned english as well. If there is something that I’m not sure what it means, I either find out or assume the better.
I’m glad you see that we’re only here to help, just like TheAnalogKid said.
It’s sad that people have resorted to threats and negative aggressive feedback and such. I hope you understand the possibility that some of these threats or aggressive behaviors initially may come from misunderstandings. As in language misunderstandings, but not necessarily.
“Please author die” is a threat as far as I know… Orangy Tang asked me to remove his game.
[quote]Quote from: DzzD
suggestion ? put that new interface online right now!! you will see later for polishing
Quote from: gouessej on Today at 04:41:07 AM
Secondly, we have no order to receive from you or from anyone. I don’t like the way you speak to us, really. I hope it was just a bad joke.
I’m 99.9% sure that was written in a very positive manner. As if he really liked the design, and responded in a “WOW!” fashion to it.
oups, dont read the whole new posts in this thread but yes it was to say :
it is great put it online as soon as possible
in french : tres bien faudrait la mettre en ligne de suite, vous verez plus tard pour les details
How about the following look? I removed pretty much all the yellow ???
Yep much better. 8)
It looks great, but I personally think that the header is way too large. The header basically just says ‘Java Game Tome’ for about 10 times but doesn’t really add anything else as far as I can see.
How about removing the upper half (the upper red and white bars)?
I’m sorry. I don’t succeed in making the javascript code work. I’m wasting a lot of time with this. It is not called. I tried to put it between and but it still doesn’t work
I think the site looks good, although personally I preferred the yellow over the red, either way theres too much strong in your face red now, changing some of it (not all) into a lighter more bland color might be better.
Another problem as mentioned above is the header is too big(the part above black bar) if it was about half that size it would be very nice.
Yep. that’s much better with the red now. And like the others said, too much space is wasted in the header. Sorry to repeat what’s been said but it’s my opinion. Other than that the site looks really good! It doesn’t feel amateur in any sense and if I were a person who would visit it for the first time I’d think it’s a serious games portal.
Good work kingaschi!
The problem with JavaScript has been solved. Now I’m going to use the screen size to adapt the column count.