I saw for the first time a website that allows to submit Java games quite easily by filling a form some days ago:
It would be fine to have a section allowing the users to find easily Java webstartable games even though some websites provide such a service for the following reasons:
www.happypenguin.org has no moderator; when you post a Java game, many fanatics criticize not the game itself but the fact that you chose to use Java instead of C/C++/C#/Python/Lua/Lisp. EgonOlsen, some other members of Javagaming and me can confirm this. I have been insulted too…
- when you submit games on many websites, they have very personal criteria to accept them. Some of them accept only flash games and shockwave games
- it is sometimes hard for a “normal” user to find the link to a game by looking at it in the “game showcase” section
- many game websites that provide Java games don’t accept submission at all
- even existent game websites allowing to submit Java games don’t allow to add a video to show his game
- it is possible to put a video, some screenshots and a link to his game in the “game showcase” section but it is not centralized, it would be better to have a search engine for games with some criteria, with a system that auto-detect your version of Java if any and compare it with the version required for the game
I precise “webstartable” because I think many users don’t want to take more than a few seconds to understand how to launch a game. If you need to download a zip, unzip it somewhere, modify one file in you’re under Unix Solaris / Linux to launch the JAR… a seven-year-old child may give up.
However, I’m satisfied by randomthoughts.net.