Craftia - The Game of Crafting [Updates_Paused]

I’ll also be moving this to the main WIP area soon. I’ll tell you when I do that.

Any name suggestions? I really want a different one.

Cube world projects should stay in the cube world section :stuck_out_tongue:

For some reason it really reminds me Vermeer’s cube world project.

That’s what got me started into really wanting to do this.

Now I’m going to make a playable jar.

And thank you jimmit for giving me that piece of advice.

What to do next list:

  1. Leaves
  2. World Saving/World Loading
  3. Caves
  4. Player(that you can see)
  5. Electricity

What do you plan on doing with electricity?

What optimizations do you have in place? How fast is your game for loading/average FPS? I’m making my own voxel engine and I was just wondering what you have right now!

Longarmax I plan on using electricity as power. Like minecraft uses redstone but different.

I have a render distance (fog). I also have face culling. My culling only shows the outside of the chunk. I will change the culling to only show viewable things(but not right now). My average FPS is around 35-40 FPS, so that’s good.

Do you show all sides of your chunk regardless of whether or not there is a chunk next to it? How many chunks are you rendering when you get that FPS?

I show all sides of a chunk (I will be changing that later). My chunks are 1616128. I render 484 of those so my map is 22221 chunks.

Damn, I only render 18 chunks and my FPS drops down below 60. I’m using display lists also, so I wonder what the issue is!
Edit: Never mind, I was doing something horribly wrong. Now I’m back to a good FPS! How many chunks do you actively render? I don’t imagine all 484.

I wouldn’t aim for more than 45 fps for a cube engine unless it lags. Because if you have a look at minecraft it’s fps is never over 40.

Oh I get over 100 FPS while playing minecraft. Just tested my game, I get a perfect 60 FPS with vSync on while rendering over 60 chunks. Awesome.
Edit: Now I’m up to 150 chunks. I’m trying to find the max… this is insane I don’t know why its working so well!
Edit 2: Found the limit before the program crashes from heap errors! I can get up to 174 chunks at one time :smiley:

Good Job!

Edit: That’s fast!
Edit 2: I actively render around 200 but you can’t see all of them.

I can render at max just about 1000 16³-Chunks. :confused:


  • Voxel Face Culling
  • View Frustum Culling
  • Rendering based on DisplayList’s and VAO’s.
  • Stitched Texturemap
  • Cached Voxel Texture UV’s.
  • Some more small gimmicks…

The last thing to do is to include occlusion culling,
then I practically replicated the Minecraft rendering in my own way.

Edit: Correction here: I WAS able to render that much. I broke my engine while trying to switch over to Multiplayer.

Have a nice day!

  • Longor1996

The only thing I don’t do on your list right now is view frustum culling, but that’s because I’m to lazy to get into all that math :confused: My voxel face culling can also be improved to only render faces, and I still need to check for cubes that are touching in different chunks, but that won’t be that difficult I hope. What do you use VAOs for? And what do you mean by cached texture UV’s? I just create one instance of the texture coordinates in a spritesheet and then pass them into my renderer. My only issue is that I run out of heap space at about 175 chunks :frowning: Looks like I need to reduce the amount of geometry by a lot!

It is extremely easy to check if a face needs to be rendered, may it be over chunk-borders or inside a single chunk.

when renderVoxel DEFAULT_VOXEL Voxel{x,y,z,ID} of CHUNK
  for_each SIDE of VOXEL
    int3 coord = SIDE.getCoordinatesOfNeighborRelative(VOXEL.x,VOXEL.y,VOXEL.z);
    int neighborData = 0;
        neighborData = CHUNK.get(coord);
    Do-Occlusion-Checks-For-Neigbor-And-Stuff (neighborData);

This is just about how I go about it, with the exception that I am doing some fancy caching behind the scenes to speed things up.
Notable is that my World consists of chunks and is infinite in all directions.


- Use ByteBuffers for your chunks, not int[] or byte[] or short[] or Voxel[(This-Is-The-Worst)].
- Do as much packing as possible. If needed on a bit-wise level. My voxels each take up 3 bytes, or none.
- Never store more than one istance of a Block.
- Never return Voxels as Objects over 'return'.
- Never create Objects inside the loop that renders the blocks.
- Never try to render voxels in real-time if you want a lot of them.
- Use FACC-Rendering if possible. (FarAwayCompressedChunk-Rendering)
- Face Cull all Voxel-faces that cant be visible.
- Do View Frustum Culling on the chunks.
- Render Chunks based on DisplayLists and VAOs. This is THE fastest way. Nothing is faster. Believe me in that. (Needs a lot of trickery though)
- Use stitched TextureMaps to support an 'infinite' amount of textures on your voxels.
- Cache all the Texture-UVs for the Voxels. Never recalculate them each time you render stuff.
- Cache all the chunks around a chunk to speed up the access when generating the mesh (aka: Rendering the Chunk).
- Z-Sort your Chunks and render them (opaque) Front-To-Back, then (transparenzy) Back-To-Front. This can double your FPS, if done right.
- Do not use glCallList(int) to render your display-lists! Use glCallList(IntBuffer) instead, its a lot faster.

- ...etc.etc.

- ALWAYS USE A DAMN PROFILER! Seriosly... do it!

There are so many things to speed up rendering.
I don’t even know how many of them I found out about by just experimenting.

  • Longor1996

This is actually helping me out. ;D

Interesting talk about performance. I thought my little project for my game class was very slow but I guess not so bad. I can get around 500k cubes (not chunks) at 20+ fps. Not fantastic but I do not use any chunking system or anything fancy.

Look at the last post.

All I do is per-compute the culled faces and use a face batcher via GL11 stuff. The cubes are stored in a hashmap with their location as the key. Adding and removing blocks is basically free for recomputing which faces are culled. Because everything is make dynamically every frame, things could get faster with a chunk system, static VBOs, and frustum culling on non-visible chunks. From what I know, frustum culling on each cube is not worth the computational cost.