Can independent Java game developers make a buck (or two)?

Cas have you thought about submitting your games to ?

We signed an NDA with them last year. Then they stopped talking to us.

Cas :slight_smile:

How laaaame. Some of the games on there aren’t even that great.

What about Steam?

Valve told us they explicitly aren’t interested in any of our games.

Cas :slight_smile:

Did they give any reason for that?

Nope, just that they didn’t think our games would sell on Steam, I should think.

Cas :slight_smile:

Cas, I played Droid Assault, and I have to say that game is awesome! I might be a sucker for clean menus, and graphics, but it was pretty damn sweet. Great job on it! :smiley:

Thank you :slight_smile:

We did have a bit of a think about Droid Assault 2… lots of new gameplay with missions and a Build Your Droid screen and such (basically a different game with RPG elements but the same graphical style). Wonder if that’d be popular.

Cas :slight_smile:

Sounds pretty awesome, if pulled off well. You could find gear to equip, which would be parts, like a computer for AI control when not using the droid and such.

Just stumbled upon this post by Markus Persson, somewhere in 2007 I think

[quote]Mojang currently has one person working full time just on money made from Wurm players. We’re EXTREMELY independent.

We’re not filthy rich (yet), but there’s money coming in!
Lol…11 years later we know, Markus, we know…

@Markus_Persson I wonder… do you still visit this site? Or are you sipping pina colada all day on some far away beach?

Gamedev is more fun when you’re not worried about how much money you’re going to make from it anyway. If you focus on making something fun, then I think that’s better than making something purely so that it’ll sell.

#1 You can make pocket change by making and selling your own games (or any other software). You can’t reliably make a living, not even close.
#2 There are plenty of companies that need software and pay indie developers real money to develop it. Downside is, running a business sucks if it’s not what you’re into, and the need for the next contract is always on the horizon.
#3 Join a startup, be in for a wild ride. Expect to bail out one way or another after a few years - either
you burn out or the company burns down. If paychecks stop coming, its time to bail.
#4 Sign on as a wage slave. With luck you can find something reasonably interesting to you.

Lol…11 years later we know, Markus, we know…

@Markus_Persson I wonder… do you still visit this site? Or are you sipping pina colada all day on some far away beach?
Lol you know damn well he’s sipping pina coladas all day. Even if I had that success I would still code and make games though.

Just stumbled upon this post by Markus Persson, somewhere in 2007 I think

[quote]Mojang currently has one person working full time just on money made from Wurm players. We’re EXTREMELY independent.

We’re not filthy rich (yet), but there’s money coming in!
Lol…11 years later we know, Markus, we know…

@Markus_Persson I wonder… do you still visit this site? Or are you sipping pina colada all day on some far away beach?

Gamedev is more fun when you’re not worried about how much money you’re going to make from it anyway. If you focus on making something fun, then I think that’s better than making something purely so that it’ll sell.

#1 You can make pocket change by making and selling your own games (or any other software). You can’t reliably make a living, not even close.
#2 There are plenty of companies that need software and pay indie developers real money to develop it. Downside is, running a business sucks if it’s not what you’re into, and the need for the next contract is always on the horizon.
#3 Join a startup, be in for a wild ride. Expect to bail out one way or another after a few years - either
you burn out or the company burns down. If paychecks stop coming, its time to bail.
#4 Sign on as a wage slave. With luck you can find something reasonably interesting to you.

Lol…11 years later we know, Markus, we know…

@Markus_Persson I wonder… do you still visit this site? Or are you sipping pina colada all day on some far away beach?
Lol you know damn well he’s sipping pina coladas all day. Even if I had that success I would still code and make games though.

i know its an old topic, i have probably commented on the first few pages haha, yes you can, 1/4 million in my bank says you can

i know its an old topic, i have probably commented on the first few pages haha, yes you can, 1/4 million in my bank says you can