Can independent Java game developers make a buck (or two)?

It’d be nice if there were a VM for the iPhone though eh?

Cas :slight_smile:

Talk to Apple. No background applications. It sucks :frowning:

An embeddable one would be fine.

Cas :slight_smile:

just for reference… java on the i{phone,pod touch} works perfectly you “only” have to jailbreak the device, in other words the reasons why there is no java (and flash) on the i* are rather of political or strategical nature than technical or because of limited resources.

How do you get it to work without jailbreaking? I don’t want a general purpose VM, I just want a binary that I can launch with a stub and run my games (like I do for my Windows deployments)

Cas :slight_smile:

100% correct. And this VM is full featured, OGL, etc. APPLE! I’m looking at YOU!

As an employee, co-founder, and shareholder of a new independent game development company, I figured I’d chime in here as well.

We’ve been around for only about 6 months, and as our team only consists of 5 people (at the most at one time, anyway), this isn’t long enough for us to have created any AAA titles or even anything as complicated as World of Goo. However, we’ve been working hard on what we view as the next generation of gaming - a “hardcore casual” game. That is, with the easy pick-up-and play mechanics of modern casual games, but with the production values of bigger games. So like imagine the Spartans from 300 playing hopscotch. :slight_smile:

Anyway, so we have a first playable version of our game for Mac/PC/WiiWare/XBLA, and we’re looking for publishers. Because we’re short of money and publisher crap takes a long time, we decided to try to make a quick buck on the iPhone.

We only started that this week, and at this point only two of us are working. I’m the programmer. I previously had absolutely no Objective-C experience and hadn’t seriously programmed in C or C++ for years. I’ve already successfully ported about half of my own 2D game engine (sprites, animations, entities, etc.) to the iPhone, needing very little outside help. My one forum question was because I didn’t realize I was using OpenGL ES.

My impression of Objective-C? It’s wonky. They use really strange sorts of notation to the end that it’s pretty clear to me it was created half before C++ and half after. It’s like someone who’s got on foot in the water and the other one of the beach, and they can’t decide whether they want to go in or not. Half the time it uses dot notation, half the time it uses this wacky bracket-based notation. Half the time it has garbage collection and half the time you’ve got to manage the memory yourself. Half the time you can use parenthetical notation in calling methods, and half the time you can’t. Half the time you place variable declarations inside the class, and half the time they go outside. The list goes in.

Plus there are just some odd things, like when you make a constructor you’ve got to make two methods with identical parameters, except one is static and one isn’t. Then the static one calls the instance one, and that’s the one you call externally.

The debugging / error reporting in XCode is awful. Typically I can find the line of code that I got an error, but practically never does it say what the error is actually caused by. So you’ve got to do a lot of Google searching to see how a certain library function can “go wrong.” Or you just experiment a lot until you’ve got it working.

But, despite all this, the fact that I feel like I understand the language right now and I’ve only been developing in it since Sunday means that it’s really not bad. There are things I don’t like, sure, but it helps to have a lot of Java code I can just adapt, because I know the logic is sound, I just have to get it to work elsewhere. That’s a lot easier than straight up bug fixing right from scratch. Even so, I know that I practically never get syntax or logic errors in Java anymore because I’m so familiar with it, and fixing logic errors will be the same for Objective-C as they are for Java. So eventually I’ll have little preference between Java and Objective-C.

By the way, Apple’s docs are decent and their source examples are pretty good. XCode is a good IDE, but not as good as some (like Eclipse). In the end I’d recommend messing around with Objective-C if you’ve got a Mac and you’ve got time. Alternatively you can spend $600 and get Unity for the iPhone, and then just program in C# or Javascript. Those games typically make a decent amount of money because they’re some of the few 3D games that are out there right now. Someone who had a crappy maze game sold it 11,000 times for 0.99, which after Apple gets its cut is about $6,500. I’ll bet he made the game in 3 days, no BS; it totally sucks and the even so 11,000 people downloaded it. The market is ripe. Tap it, if you can.

It makes a difference if you know a way to get your app featured. :slight_smile:

Also I wasn’t referring to a success when I mentioned that maze game above. The guy’s game was rated very poorly and wasn’t very good at all. Even so, he made himself a hefty chunk of money because people are willing to pay 0.99 and there are so many users.

For those of you who want to try out Objective-C, have a look at this. It’s specifically a short Java-to-Objective-C reference card. Very useful.

Making $10000 a day is probably rather the exception than the norm. Here some news: this guy created a “whack a mole” clone for the iPhone. He has 800 users but only about 25% of which (200) actually paid for the game… It’s far off the 10000s of downloads the top games/applications receive…

I’m planning on releasing two versions of the game, almost side-by-side. One is a free version (aka a trial) and the other is the full version. Free games are downloaded significantly more than games that cost (this goes without saying), so if you’ve got faith that your game is fun, then this is a good way to go.

I agree.
Best way to hook people is to give them a free game with little features with which they can build up something. (say a character f.i.)
And then when the time runs out or the features are not enough, they need to buy the full game.

People do not like to lose investments. Be it time or money. And people did invest into their chars.

This is how IMHO the MMO’s keep their players attached. The game might not be that great but the investment by the players and the ‘community’ keep them engaged.

DungeonRunners (NCSoft) does it this way.
Free version: add-driven + less features
Full version: no adds and all features
The cost/month is compared to other games, minimal. (I got 6 months (and a bling gnome) for like € 15)

Yeah you lose the investment of your character unless you sell it for real money. :stuck_out_tongue:

I sold my WoW character when I stopped playing for $150.

And I only played for about 4 months.

What about XMLVM? ;D

FWIW, I wouldn’t base an iPhone business strategy on this idea, because Apple has been pretty clear that they won’t allow crippled software in the store (if I’m remembering right, an early iPhysics version was rejected for this reason). You can release free “Lite” versions with less content, but they can’t be time limited or “demos” in the usual sense, they have to stand on their own as real applications.

The usual thing seem to be to offer, say, the first 6 levels of your game for free, and then suggest that people buy the full version to get 30 levels, multiplayer, more weapons, etc. What a lot of people seem to be doing is building up from the lite version to get to the full one rather than trimming down to go the other way, and I think that’s actually a bit better for the games, honestly.

Yeah, that seems logical. We were planning on doing it based on levels, so that the lite version is just short enough that once you beat it then you find yourself wanting more.

$150 for 4 months (how many hours per week? Probably more than a couple) is a pretty bad ROI :wink:

There’s always this to make some money:

If you really want to make money with a game you wrote (indie)
target XBox Arcade, PSN and Nintendo DS

I mean I dont have to remind you of aaaaaaall the crappy flash games that are now availble on those platform. like N(N+), Line Rider and shit

Literally every single crappy successful Flash game comes to NDS eventually

so… try that I would say

Well that’s assuming I didn’t have fun with it. In the end I got to play WoW free for 4 months.

I hope an indie developer can make a buck or two but i would settle for pennies at a time.i will burn in hell before i put advertising into any of my games or sites.
I suppose the business model you want, how much money you want to pull in and who your targeting, will determine how much you can make.
I used to pay for pc games £40 a time but stopped when i realised that i only played them for a few weeks and got bored of them.
phones are for talking to ppl and sending texts PERIOD, not for games.
I cant believe ppl pay monthly fees to play games thats insane!
my model is simple i try and take money of my opponent and they try to take money of me the host takes a cut for providing a service and the bank takes a cut for finiancial transactions, and at 2 cents a go most ppl should be able to afford it.if you win you get to go again for free and still have the chance to win ;D