bufferedImage > MemoryImageSource?

Hi guys, I used memoryImageSource to fill the screen in the past, today I tried the alternative–bufferedImage and I found it was a lot faster.
(almost gained 20% more framerates). I think I created some overhead when using memoryImageSource, in theory MemoryImageSource
should be almost as fast as bufferedImage, isnt it?

I have up loaded my demos with the source code:

(this one uses memoryImageSource)

(this one uses bufferedImage)

The only difference between the two versions is inside “gallery.java”. I hope someone could help me find out
where I made those overheads or MemoryImageSource is just a slow ass compare to bufferedImage.


MemoryImageSource is just slow ass compared to bufferedimages :wink:

I remember reading at some blog (I think from Chet Haase) that the MemoryImageSource class wasn’t touched since java 1.1 while the BufferedImage class has been improved on since…