Benchmark Applet, browse and sort results of others!

I thought I better post this here instead of the Game Showcase.

Benchmarks are sent to a database, so you can compare your results.
The benchmark tests 3 main categories: array access, java.lang.Math and real(?) world stuff like calculating a mandelbrot.
The screenshot shows only red because there is only one OS and one Java version (mine ;)).

When tiered compilation comes out we should see the array benches results skyrocket.
Click “CPU Benchmark” in the top left corner.

edit: updated image

first I love you GUI

second I dont get the to graph ont he top ? rounds are increasing always ?

do I have a nice Math.sqrt (see picture)

yes you are a lucky one about he square root.
I don’t know a lot about the internal tweaks and tricks but I’m sure you will get almost the same score if you run it again. If you have a better bench then I will implement it :wink:
What do you mean whith

[quote]second I dont get the to graph ont he top ? rounds are increasing always ?
you sound like goujsey or what his name is

oups, I wrote that message before reading what was written on my screen “Server seems to be down” or something like that, I only had the quit and go button, no graph, I will give it a third try (because I already test it some weeks ago ! )

second I dont get the to graph ont he top ? rounds are increasing always ?
you sound like goujsey or what his name is
yea that’s sometime pretty hard to type something readable :slight_smile: sorry I am/was tired, I was trying to say that I dont have the same picture than in your first post (I did not see other users result cause server was down)

Small mistake. Its picking up windows 7 as Vista.
But still has its own bar as 6.1
Nice benchmark :slight_smile:
104 score.
I also got a high sqrt of 263.

yeah, the Math.sqrt seems to fluctuate a lot, maybe I drop that one. I would like to know how high a Intel I7 would score and if the cores are registered as 8.

Looks like I got the highest score so far with 150 overall on a Core 2 Duo E8500

I got 367% for the Math.sqrt, but I found something that should explain this value:

[quote=]The fast divider also speeds up a range of operations that depend on the divider hardware, like the square root function. Penryn’s SQRT operation is 4x the speed of Core 2.

I dropped some benchmarks, now there are 9 left. Three for each category and one second for each: <10 seconds time required

Your score dropped to 129.24 and you still own the performance crown :slight_smile:

Hehe, I just tried the benchmark on the power machine of a flatmate — she got a stunning score of 14.44!
Installing java took about 20 minutes. I guess that will slow down her computer a lot.
Well, she is more interested in high heels and lipsticks :-*

who got the score of 240?! either that’s some killer Linux computer or fake stats?

I guess thats an overclocked Intel Core i7 (8 cores). Imagine the brute force if that benchmark was multithreaded :o

Darn… basically 2.5 times better then my score and mine is a new top laptop.
Btw how do you figure out how many cores a computer has?

this is extremely difficult :wink: :


returns the virtual amount of cores.

The mainframe of my VServer crashed. My Provider loaded an old backup, so all data since 30.03. is lost…
and my provider didn’t even tell me, not even a simple mail.
There was not even a little “sorry” when I asked them where all my data is and why they didn’t tell me.

Save early, save often. Especially when you are hosting at assholes heaven (

I always run away as fast as possible from hosting providers claiming ‘Unbegrenzter Datentransfer’, which I’m pretty sure means ‘unlimited datatraffic’. Anybody taking his business seriously doesn’t offer unlimited anything!

‘8.000 MHz Prozessor-Power’ :persecutioncomplex: Quadcore @ 2.0GHz… darn… why did you sign up with such a host? It’s so obvious they are trying to fool their customers.

I hope you don’t pay too much.

Atm 25 euros per month but I can quit next month, what I will definitely do.
I’m not really interested in all that server administration/Linux thingy, I’m happy when able to run my WebAdmin and start my Java stuff without problems. :wink:

I can’t help but plug Java for Google App Engine. No administration headache. Free for the first few million page views a month. Yada yada.

Sooner or later I will use that. By now, I don’t want to learn all that new stuff.
I’m not using JSP/Servlets but my own server via sockets and there is already the stuff for simple multiplayer games and user management implemented.
The only simple example for Java for Google App Engine I could find was a guestbook via Servlets, not very interesting for me. I will wait some more time and decide later if Google could suit my needs (I don’t want to just store scores).

If you say “yes we can!” I will have a deeper look!
Thanks for the tip though :slight_smile:

Ok. If you’re running your own socket server, then some re-work would certainly be required. I had visited your site, and it was not obvious to me that it was backed by anything like that. :slight_smile:

LOL. We’re certainly capable of doing more than storing your high scores. :slight_smile:

The kinds of changes you’d need to port to App Engine would be adapting your client-server protocol to run over http. Instead of starting up your own single server process, you’d create a servlet entry-point that could serve your client requests. App Engine would automatically spin it up on as many JVMs as would be needed to keep up with your clients.

App Engine is designed to make applications transparently scale, and we can’t do that for you if you do things like directly listen on sockets, etc…

Let me know if you change your mind and have any questions.
