Hi anyone,
I’m debugging my jMonkeyEngine 3d application and achieve perhaps
3 frames per second, sometimes 1/15 frames per second.
When I run the application with the debugger disabled, I achieve
perhaps 100 or 200 fps.
I’m new to Java. How do people debug Java games? It seems
impossible – if I achieve a framerate of 1/15 fps now, then how
am I going to debug the application when it’s become 100
times more complex than as of today.
Is there perhaps a way to tell the Java debugger to debug only
my own source, not the middleware I’m using?
(I mean perhaps in the same way as with the -ea flag that can
enable assertions in certain packages only.)
(I’ve built jMonkeyEngine and jME-Physics_2 without debugging information;
nevertheless, when I run my application with debugging enabled I achieve
the above-mentioned rather unbearably slow framerate.)
(The game is currently sometimes 1 sometimes 100 boxes that falls on
a floor, bounce, and then rest. My own game does almost nothing;
jMonkeyEngine and jME-Physics_2 do all rendering and physics
computations. 3 fps with 1 box; perhaps 1/15 fps with 100 boxes.
I intended to use > 100 objects, more complicated than boxes…)
(I’m using Netbeans M10, Java 1.6 and Linux (Ubuntu). My machine
is a dual core 2 GB ram.)
Kind regards, Magnus