ApoSoccer - the programming challenge 2009


Apo-Soccer is a small soccer game inspired by Robo-Cup.
Two teams of four players each are facing eachother and try to score a goal.
Each team consists of one striker/rusher, one keeper and two defenders.

To create a more interesting game, some limits are set up:
* The keeper can only move within the 16 meters area
* The striker can only move within the enemy territory. Thus the attacking team is in advantage moving all players into the enemy territory. =)

The goal is to write an AI for a team. To assist you we develop an example player on this site. We will show how to address the player and how to move him. For any further question we provide you with help in our forums.

The best AI will be honored with a cool Prize like a Wii oder a iPod touch. So it’s definitely worth it! =)

If you are interested visit the website to the programming challenge 2009 of Universität Magdeburg

or look the youtube video


Perhaps the shallowest reply ever, but… if you are targeting an international audience, please make the GUI English.

talking about international audience, is it open to the whole world ? (prizes including :wink: )

The only thing that is in german is the “live-ticker”.
The menu looks like this:

and the website and the javadoc is also in german and english. =)

It is open to the whole world but you are right … I can’t pay the tax for shipping the wii or the iPod to america or australia … I am only a student too :wink:
I’ve to think what we can do … (but isnt it challenge enough to try to be better than our students ;D ;D ;D )

Now the sourcecode is in the jarfile, I removed some bugs, add new debug-features and some other improvements. :slight_smile:

I’m giving a try to it… but it is every unfriendly :-\

All the java docs are in german (with time to time some words in english)… it make really difficult to figure how the meaning of some parameters. No java docs for constants (coordinates are left to right, top to down)

the “setShoot(int angle,int speed)” what is the angle ? Absolute angle (I don’t think so, it writen something like 0-150) ? Angle from the lineOfSight of the player ? Angle from the lineOfSight of the ball ? Angle from Player->Ball vector ?
I have lots others questions (Images, hairs, …) but it is the main question right now.

One other things that is horrible is that I have to do the AI twice… one for the “left” and one for the “right”.

And last, when I open the directorys and I see soooooo many dll… I just feel to say “Bye bye mister Linux User”, “Bye bye mister Mac user”


sorry you are right. Nearly all the java docs in the source are in german. Only some methods are explained in english.

setShoot(angle, speed): The angle is absolute. The Speed must be between 0-150. If your freshness is low you can’t shoot with full power.

I don’t think you have to write your AI really twice. You are right, you have to look where you are (left or right site) but the most methods I write arn’t concerned.

The dll problem: No, the linux and max user don’t have to say “bye bye”. But if you want to programm your ai in c++, you can do it (look at the tutorials) =) All the other persons can write their AI with java. I’ve tested it on mac and linux/solaris and it runs =)

Most of my logic need to : am I in the right direction to shoot ? Is X behind/before Y ? So I have to change a lot of things for left side to right side. Well I have done a warper that translate the coordinates from right to left and now I don’t have to deal with it. I have change the coordinates center too, I prefere when (0,0) is at the center of the field.

There is only “.dll” no “.so”, can Linux user test the C++ AI provided as is it ?

Nevertheless, my team is betting better ;D If I manage to do a good goal keeper, I think I will be able to beat all the provided team (Not so easy to do ::))

I have download the “sound” version, beside the text to speech, there is not other sound ? If you put a sound when you shoot, there is a goal and a whistle at the begining/side change, the game will be far more lively.

How will the winner be decide ? Will it be the score in the “analyse” ? Or will you do elimination match ? (If I do it, I will do the analyse. Then keep the best 32/16 team depending of the number of participant. When I will do a elimination round a day ;))

Last one (for today :persecutioncomplex:), costum image can be used but it is an image for a team not an image by player ?

dll: Linux and mac user can’t test a C++ AI. But I don’t think it’s a problem because the provided C++ AI is nearly as “good” as the TestPlayer :wink:

sound: You are right. It would be far more lively =) but I don’t have time to implement it because I write my diploma thesis at the moment and my experience with JavaSound is … not to good :smiley: But after the competition and after finishing my thesis I will add it and some other improvements like different undergrounds (like mud, snow -> with different effects) and different values for men and female (female = more stamina, men = faster acceleration)

The first rounds will be done with the analyse. I really love the idea of the elimination match but I think it isn’t fair when you play only 2 times against a team. So I think it will be better to start with many leagues like: 8 leagues -> 4 leagues -> best players in 2 leagues -> 1 league -> winner =)

the public String getPlayerManImage() is the image for all men in your team.
the public String getPlayerFemaleImage() is the image for all women in your team.
So you are right you can change the image for a team. =)

I am really pleased that you participate in the competition. =)

Custom sprite done ;D (quickly but not too bad ;))

It is more and more difficult to improve my team… and it is not a very good one :smiley: Everytime I got a new idea to test, it do worst than before ??? Well I have a few time left to manage something.

Stupid question… how do I submit my team ? :stuck_out_tongue:

How to submit your team:
main page -> anmeldung -> click in the first line (where stand “klick bitte hier” (what means plz click here))

after that you are here.
There you have to go to the registration (Wenn ihr noch keinen Account habt, meldet euch “bitte hier an”! <- click here)
Then you have to fill it out (forename and surname, click the right radio button, an then your password and your e-mailadress).
After that you can log in and upload your ai. =)

It’s easy. =)

Dead line met :slight_smile: I somehow manage to submit my team (I hope ;D)

How many participant to the contest ?


there are 2 competitions.
In the first one (the intern competition) are 21 participants.
In the second one (the extern compoetition with your ai) there are 10 participants.
Thats not so much … but better than nothing.
When the analysis is done, I will report the results. =)

Today was the presentation ceremony. =)
The final results you can see here.

I congratulate all the winners and thank all the participants.

congratulations for bonbon chan’s third place in the external competition !

Yeeeeeeeee !!! ;D

I didn’t think that I will do that good :stuck_out_tongue: (When I see results, I really lack defense)

Will you provide an applet with all the AIs ? I would love to see my team in action against the others :wink:

The idea with nearly all the AIs is great. And so now you can switch between 21 teams. =)
Bonbon-Chan please read your private message :wink: