Apo-Soccer is a small soccer game inspired by Robo-Cup.
Two teams of four players each are facing eachother and try to score a goal.
Each team consists of one striker/rusher, one keeper and two defenders.
To create a more interesting game, some limits are set up:
* The keeper can only move within the 16 meters area
* The striker can only move within the enemy territory. Thus the attacking team is in advantage moving all players into the enemy territory. =)
The goal is to write an AI for a team. To assist you we develop an example player on this site. We will show how to address the player and how to move him. For any further question we provide you with help in our forums.
The best AI will be honored with a cool Prize like a Wii oder a iPod touch. So it’s definitely worth it! =)
If you are interested visit the website to the programming challenge 2009 of Universität Magdeburg
or look the youtube video