Thanks for the excellent response and agreed on the presentation/intro, also, when starting his videos he goes on to much about his life mostly, then your itching to get on with it - I like to download the YT videos so I have more control on the pausing, double screen issues etc. So when your watching one after another, he should of thought about this in the first place for people downloading them for future reference, they’d be worthless putting onto your project drive for that purpose because you’d be hearing ‘his missis has just had a fight with his mum over the cat she ran over on a night out when he was hungover in town the other day’
On your reponse regrading the timers, you might be able to help me out here. You don’t sound so bad now you’ve shed a bit more detail, I’m new to this so can be awkward… On the timers when you mentioned animation how the hell does a BufferedImage created a whirl of pixels when chernos not created a paint method? All he did was create a bufferedimage in memory by the look of it… Best example would be looking at that video I posted above, once I’ve cracked how to view pixels from the BufferedImage then I can use these timers we mentioned to create cool stuff, I made a post the other day richy and gibbo helped us with but that was packing pixels into an interger… But cherno seems to have created pixels straight from the bufferedImage and put it into an array then timed/looped it to create what he did in the video.
If you could shed some light on this that’d be great and that’d be the topic solved, as from then all I’d need to do is look up formulas and port the code if this makes sense… from things like bufferedimage rather than paint.drawLine etc
Hope this makes sense
EDIT: I forgot to add, how hes displaying coloured pixels from bufferedimage that is, any small example code would be greatful, just in one method so I could understand it…