It’s just a simulation for a school project where there are 2 teams. Basicly what happens is that an “Actor” finds the closest “Actor” to him and starts going to that location or runs away, depending on what race they are. Thing is, I’m not really sure how to change the sprite image based on there direction. Any ideas?
P.S, There will be an up, down, left, and right image
public void move (Actor aTargetActor)
double xDirection, yDirection, radian;
double dX, dY = 0;
if(!actorCollision(this, aTargetActor)){
xDirection = aTargetActor.p2dLocation.getX() - this.p2dLocation.getX();
yDirection = aTargetActor.p2dLocation.getY() - this.p2dLocation.getY();
radian = Math.atan2(yDirection, xDirection);
dY = (this.p2dLocation.getY()-(Math.sin(radian)/100)*this.getSpeed());
dX = (this.p2dLocation.getX()-(Math.cos(radian)/100)*this.getSpeed());
this.p2dLocation.setLocation(dX, dY);
public boolean actorCollision(Actor a, Actor b)
double xD, yD;
xD = Math.abs(a.getLocation().getX() - b.getLocation().getX());
yD = Math.abs(a.getLocation().getY() - b.getLocation().getY());
if (xD > 20.0)
if (yD > 20.0)
return true;
return false;