This wouldn’t work if the upper bound is infinity though - it would end up as a breadth-first search. As defined, Dijkstra is A* with zero heuristic, but in practice using any (non-infinite) constant should give the same result.
For Tuer, since there isn’t grid-based movement, Euclidean distance is preferable to Manhattan. Manhattan distance won’t guarantee the shortest path since it isn’t admissible (it can over-estimate the distance to the goal). Also, if you are searching for line-of-sight where your weapon has range r, then the heuristic needs to be max(0,distance-r). Obviously if r is large, then you are back at Dijkstra’s (since any direction would be as good as any other when looking for a place to shoot from).
One last thought. If you are going Dijkstra route and you don’t have variable terrain costs, then this is just breadth-first search. Then you can ditch the priority queue for a regular queue and get a significant speed-up.