Abundant Music: An online procedural music generator

Interesting. What order are the chains?

The harmony has two kinds: static and dynamic. The progressions are somewhat based on this book/thesis but also contains tricks/hints I’ve read about in harmony/music books :slight_smile:

Added another video showing the new filter effects feature and the 3D visualization:


Ok give it to me NAAOO.

Are you the new gavvenooor in kallifooonia?



Do you want my clothes, my boots, and my motorcycle too?

I have been working on an online editor for some time.

Here is a video that shows the current interface (uses webGL and jQuery UI):


I’ll put it online as soon I can make it run in all major browsers (and have found a suitable dedicated server :slight_smile: )

I’m truly in awe at how you can generate such really really really good musical scores randomly… :o

I hope that you will find the editor useful when I finally get it up and running.

The output is pretty impressive. What are your plans for developing this?

The first step is to make it available through a website (like in the video) and just soak up any feedback and improve it. This is happening pretty soon.

Then I want to see it integrated into a game somehow. Java/Android/libgdx or C#/Unity perhaps. AS3 is also an alternative, but Flash is dying right? ;). It’s a shame, I just started to like it :frowning:

Are you planning on making it free and open source? I don’t think a website alone would provide you with feedback or adoption nearly as fast.

I don’t know. I’ll start with the website and see how it turns out.

How’s this project coming along? :smiley:

Oh yes I really want an update to this!

The development is almost complete for a first test.
I used it for my music in LD25 (jam, link to post-jam version), and I found it quite sufficient. It will be available for the public during LD26 so I am discussing and thinking about server solutions at the moment :slight_smile:

I also have a devlog at TIGSource now where I have posted some updates.
Summary of updates: Added custom harmonic rythms + optimization

I am looking forward to opening it up to the public and listen to the songs that you produce :smiley:

The website is probably going online for a first test next week :slight_smile:

I have ported the server to linux instead and feeling happy for that decision. Linux is much better and cooler for servers + it is cheaper :wink:

Can’t wait!

The server is temporarily online!

Abundant Music

Some known issues:

  • Some mp3/ogg renders are missing instruments (they are available in the midi file so I blame the midi synth and the soundfonts :slight_smile: ). Will look closer at this
  • The tutorials and “terms of use” are WIP

In this initial stage, I might have to take the server down due to crashes etc. but I’ll do my best to keep it running when I’m awake :wink: