Abundant Music: An online procedural music generator

oh god i think i fell in love with this. you did a awesome job!

Is there a way I can download the songs that are created?


The “result link” points to the generated song in the “Export” window.

Ohh, almost forgot… The mp3s/OGGs are only stored 10 minutes on the server so make sure that you download them :wink:

Increased that to 20 minutes just now. It felt a bit short :slight_smile:

I panicked when you said 10 mins :stuck_out_tongue:
I was looking for a “download” button, you may want to write on your tutorial on downloading, that or i skipped over it, i read through it fast.

Probably use this music in games I make :slight_smile:

How long should the servers be up?

I will write this in tutorial 2. Good point!

I don’t know how long the server will be online. It depends on the issues that pop up :slight_smile:

I can’t believe how cool this is. I mean, seriously. This is so many kinds of amazing that I lack an adequate vocabulary to describe it.

The only suggestion that comes to mind currently is to, possibly, have the ‘Result Link’ open in a new tab/window when applicable instead of in the same window. If only because I tend to derp and forget to hold control. >.>

I added a very simple player for browsers that support web audio (only Chrome so far I think). It can only play with one crappy, procedural instrument so far and doesn’t support percussion, but this will change. The idea is that you should eventually be able to create your own procedural instruments and export to wav on the client side.

Edit: The player now supports percussion and a few procedural instruments :slight_smile:

Also, I made the “result link” open in a new tab/window, after UprightPath’s suggestion. Thanks!

The missing instruments seems to be solved. Darn linux flags… :wink:

Would someone be ableto get the same song out by ‘reusing’ the exact same parameters? Also, what’s the liscence as far as usage goes?

The songs become public domain. You can use them for anything but you can’t claim copyright. This might seem strange but the idea is that nobody should be able to use the seed “123” and then prevent anyone else from using that song/seed with their copyright.

These “terms of use” might radically change if I find some better solution.

Sounds like a great way to help others obtain music! Credit will be given if I do use this!

Do you have any more feature requests for this?

I am currently working on better tutorials.

I didn’t read the whole thread :emo: but from what I have read… this is amazing! The possible applications of something like this are limitless! Are there any future plans to make this into a library for games? If so, do you have anything worked up you would like tested? I would be very happy to try out some ‘beta’ code!

This is a very cool program :smiley:

This is going to be a library some day. That was my main objective when I first got started with procedural music. I wanted to “solve” the music “problem” and make it reactive ;). I’ll tell you when I have some code to share.

Some improvements:

  • It is now possible to see the section names in the visualizer
  • A new “Song Info” window that contains info about the structure and instruments in the current rendered song
  • In modern browsers, compose and export midi works without logging in. The browser has to support workers, blob constructor, typed arrays and url construction (URL object). It works in new versions of Firefox and Chrome.

Sorry for bumping, but can I ask if you still have the midi for generative song I?

Sorry for bumping, but can I ask if you still have the midi for generative song I?

Awesome tool! Congratulations on this.

It appears that the abundant music site is not loading on Chrome (it hangs while loading at about 10%). However, on Firefox it works just fine.