3D Demo Applet


I just made a very huggly 3D demo with 3DzzD , at least models are not really looking good (I made all scene modeling my self).

I remove collision because for now they are made brut force and are a bit slow.

Control: mouse+keyboard arrows

Control is a bit difficult (try to keep mouse cursor at the center of the applet )

Any body can give me some benchmark ? bug reports ?




Ps: I am currently writting documentations for 3DzzD, first alpha release will be soon available.

10-15 fps, ti-4200, 850 mhz processor.

No significant bugs that I could see, except on occasion this little white dot would float around the top line of my draw window. Seemed to occur when I was in a building and looking forward or slightly up.

thanks for reply,

I think that it is more a html prolem (wich I dont care)

Can you tell me your PC OR MAC OS,JVM ? That will enable me to build a compatibility summary and to fix bugs.



Around 15 FPS on slower machine here. Win XP, Radeon 8500, 2Ghz.
A bit dark when I look around, maybe you are using some extensions that my Radeon 8500 don’t support?

? wow it is slow ! I get about 40 i/s on my AMD 1.6GHz with sun JVM(1.5) GC X800 and around 20 with MSJVM(1.1) dont understand why it is so slow on your computer ???.

I only use drawImage an have test it with radeon 7500 on 1.6GHz SUN JVM(1.5) +30i/s

I am not sure but I think I do a regression in last version (especially on smoothing groups and vertex normal) and i think that light is maybe not well calculated now I have to fix this bug.

anyway thanks for feedback!


Bruno, it is not surprise, you have X800, which is great card compared to 8500 (not X850 !).
But anyway, I made a mistake, in laptop here is Radeon 7500, not 8500, so small frame rate is explained better…

Really I must consider that 15 fps on a 2Ghz is a bug,because as I said earlier, I test this demo with my hold CG (Radeon 7500) and I got more than 30 fps with my 1.6Ghz (In fact video card do not make big difference for full software), Do you have any other application using cpu running in the same time? please say yes :wink: I am worried to get a so slow frame rate on a 2Ghz :frowning:

Could you please give me you full config:JVM,CPU,MEMORY…?


Bruno, I have 2Ghz mobile Intel pentium, 1.5 GB RAM, java 1.4 and Radeon 8500.
I turned off my appcilation developer studio and lotus notes, it seems that it helped (I didn’t expect them to be cpu eaters). So now fps is 27 - 33, which is as you would expect.
And at first I even didn’t realise that I could move around with arrrow keys, silly me! Skybox is looking nice, movement is a little pain, it would be great to constrain look up / down of your camera and to walk instead of fly. Anyway, nice looking.

Great, thanks for your time and feedbacks.

I got another feedback in an other forum P4 3.2 geforce ti4200 128 mo : 45-70 fps

Anyother people could bench especially on MAC and linux OS?



Exception in thread "Image Fetcher 3" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-13" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-18" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-15" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-17" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-10" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-16" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-11" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-8" java.lang.NullPointerException
	at DzzD.m.a(Unknown Source)
	at DzzD.m.run(Unknown Source)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)
	at java.lang.Thread.destroy(Thread.java:870)
	at DzzD.m.b(Unknown Source)
	at DzzD.DzzDApplet.destroy(Unknown Source)
	at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(AppletPanel.java:497)
	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:595)

amd athlon@1.3ghz, 512m, geforce fx5500, ubuntu linux, jdk1.5.0_05

:’( can not do anything for that, it is due to you plugin parameter : for windows->system->properties->java->add parameter -Xmx256m to java parameter if you use sun JVM for microsoft JVM you should not have this problem.

Or, maybe you have enought memory but have launched another applet before? , it seem that JVM is not shutdown when you do not close all browser windows after viewing applet so if you call an applet before you open that demo ant last applet do not clean properly memory it may explain that crash ?

thanks for feedbacks.

EDIT: sorry I just see that you use linux, I dont know where you can increase memory for java on linux :frowning: If you know please tell me.


AFAIK to specify vm arguments for an applet is on the java web start control panel (weird isn’t it? ) edit -> preferences -> java -> applet runtime (or something likely). There you can choose wich jre do you want to use for applets and specify vm arguments. I’ll try it tomorrow, i need some sleep now ;D

As you asked, I’m running the 1.5.0_06 JRE. I suppose my slow framerate is being attributed to my processor speed? I don’t really know why that would make sense, but you said someone got 45-70 fps on a 3 ghz with a ti-4200 (my card), so what else is there?

EDIT: Thought I should mention as a comparison… on the Ascendancy Demo at http://www.java-gaming.org/forums/index.php?topic=11418.0 I get 50-60 fps, standing back looking at everything with the flashlight turned on. Renders with perfect quality as well.

Thanks I will put this information in the documentation.

Does it true on most linux bundle? redhat, fedora,suze,etc…?


It is absolutely true that processor make the difference because as I already mentioned 3DzzD is a full software engine and do not use opengl or any hardware acceleration. As you can see It is running embedded into a web page wthout asking user to install anything or to accept a signed stuff. It is also compatible with all JVM version >=1.1 , this also include microsoft JVM.

Yes it is easily understandable because this demo engine use 3D hardware, using a more powerful videocard with that sample will give you a very hight framerate.

Note that 3DzzD use a real dynamic phong shading per pixel :), It is not viewable with that demo because the light do not move, I will try de put another demo to show this feature.

Thanks for your feedback


Oh wow, I guess I didn’t catch onto the fact that it was full software. In that case you’re doing pretty good :slight_smile:

And this phong shader thing… would be interesting to see that changing dynamically. If you have some kinda lighting system in addition to those models all running on software that’s fairly impressive.

But, all the same, have you ever considered adapting that engine to say… jogl for applets? Not saying you should, but have you?


It is not only software it is also compatible with Java 1.1 and microsoft JVM ;).

Yes there are some hold demos online showing phong lighting effect:


Note that hey are using an older engine wich is much slower and bugged

For now, I dont want do add 3d hardware support, May be, I will add it when java opengl binding will be more mature.

It may be interesting because 3DzzD include a full scene graph and many advanced function to interact with 3d scene, it also include a small but efficient physic engine, but note the main goal of 3DzzD is to provide a simple and powerful API to produce small Web 3D games or demos embedded into web page (also comercial product presentation) with a maximum compatibility ,for now Java 1.1 is the best way.


This is what it looks like on Mac G5 Java 1.5

Texture are not finished loading, you have to wait that all “loading …” have diseaper even if it show 100%, can you try again and wait a bit more and tel me if it works please?


After 5mins it looks like this and I cant move around at all.