3D Demo Applet

Ok, thanks, same problem as before (on linux) I think it is “OutOfMemory” can you look at your JVM console and tel me please if I am right?

I will try to optimize memory next time.


[quote]Exception in thread “Thread-17” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread “Thread-18” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread “Image Fetcher 0” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-1” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread “AWT-EventQueue-1” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

a new demo, I add the CLOD terrain engine.

it use a lot of memory: please add -Xmx256m to your java plugin if it is no running

see it in action at http://dzzd.net/demo/3DzzDAP1.202/


looks great, but i only get 10-15 fps :frowning:

I forgot to mention that you may not look at sky for too long time because then the CLOD engine get lost and produce too many faces and so applet can become very slow.


Framerate is about the same on that demo, looks pretty good.

However, your program seems to have trouble with catching and responding to keyboard and mouse events quickly. I can only guess this is because of the high processor demand, and the keyboard thread is getting pushed back. I generally have a one second respond time when hitting keys, and the mouse will, between intervals of working normally, suddenly lock up and hold one direction for a couple of seconds.

Has anyone else noticed this? And if you have/haven’t, what’s your processor speed? I’m thinking this might occur mostly with lower speeds, i.e. my 850 mhz one.

I made some modifications on last demo for memory problem : reduce texture size

It should now run without memory increase of java plugin an so works also with microsoft JVM.

I also remove the robot wich was not a good looking mesh



Still out of memory here, but I see more than before.

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
Exception in thread "Thread-47" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


I will correct that soon


Works for me now (16-17fps on 2ghp4). Looks very nice.

It must run faster on 2Ghz , much faster, I got 24/30 fps on AMD 1.6GHZ dont understand why it look so slow on your computer, some possible reason are : hold JVM , application running at the same time,really hold videocard.

To get the best FPS you must not use application that use CPU, It is also better to use the last JVM (1.5) wich is about 2 times faster than the microsoft JVM

I will soon update the demo because I make some modification on the rasteriser (correct bug) and that correction made an FPS improvement, about 20%, it now run at 30-40 fps on my computer 1.6Ghz AMD with JVM 1.5.


New demo wich use less memory maybe not more than 35mo

please tel me if you still have memory error


EDIT: scene lighting is also rotating to show the phong shader (look at stone and wood-cilynder)


Yep it worked, good job. :slight_smile: Got around 22-25fps.
However I managed to get the memory error if I refreshed the page.

I just finish adding 3ds keyframe import to 3DzzD API (with also some friendly function in the API to help user playing with animation)

Click and the guy will make a jump


This new version of the API should be downloadable at begining of next week.