Zatikon is live

My game went live today!

Some of you may remember it when it was named Leopold.


Which tools do you use to put your Java game onto a CD? Do you write only a JNLP file? Do you use another installer?

I used JSmooth and Advanced Installer for Windows, and the OS X jar bundler tool for Mac.

Nothing for Linux and Solaris?

There’s a Webstart link for Linux - give it a whirl.

The game’s quite interesting to play - I think it needs a certain layer of extreme polishing now. The initial array of stats and units you can’t buy are probably somewhat overwhelming to the n00b. In fact I’d say just remove anything you can’t have from the display, and introduce them later in the game.

Cas :slight_smile:

Nope, just webstart. Let them eat cake.

What elements are the roughest, and most in need of polish?