I have managed to wrestle with and produce a working version of my AnacondaNet game being hosted at the JavaGamesFactory.
or for those who are having issues with webstart here is an exectuable JAR:
note you will need to set a -Xms switch to at least 128M otherwise you may recieve a memory error when playing the executable JAR
The game comes to 6.2meg, i have only included one background world in this version to reduce the size.
Things that are working:
-huge non-repeated-tile map (6400x4800 pixels)
-mp3 music
-crappy placeholder sound effects
-5 different levels of zoom
-multiplayer support (LAN only currently)
-no theoretical player limit… it will just degrade the game performance
Things not yet working:
- advanced game menu settings
- world boundaries
Things not yet implemented
- death… you cannot die
- power-ups
- multiplayer support (Internet)
- obstacles
I would like to hear peoples experience with this pre-alpha version. Is the graphics scrolling smooth? does the sound work ok? Does it even work when played in linux or on a Mac?
I am quite interested in the network aspect. If people can test this with 2 or more players i would be very appreciative.
It is possible to run more than one game instance on the same computer to simulate multiple players however the refresh rate degrades too much to provide useful network gameplay insight.
Let me know what you think