I am a high school student currently taking AP Comp Sci, but this project is not an assignment.
I am looking to assemble a small team of fellow students to help me program this game. (Because I’d like to see a non-creepy adult who’s interested in Yugioh besides my mother…
It will essentially be a copy of the Kaiba.Corp.Virtual.Duel.System (KCVDS), but with actually functional cards and effects! :o
Yes, that means no silly storyline and no fancy animations.

I have a rough outline program which I will provide to volunteers, but as to the best way to do the logic and card effects I’m stuck.
I can’t do this alone.

No offense, but Yu-Gi-Oh makes me vomit. :-\

That irrelevant fact aside, you’re going to need to ask more specific questions if you want help. “How do I make an MMO” will not get you any real answers.

Did you even bother to read it? ???
All I need is a few developers to work on the project with me, AKA a team.

The only “answers” I need are hardly java-related, since they’re Yugioh-card-game specific.

I guess my first question would be how to organize the card classes. The server passes messages to the clients via strings, which makes card effect negation and such difficult.

Ok, look, if nobody on these forums actually looks at these posts, would somebody tell me where I SHOULD post this?
Because I see pokemon projects made with RPGXP all over the place, and those seem to get a lot of volunteers…

(the sooner the above question is answered the sooner I’ll get out of here)

Two things.

I’m neither illiterate nor did I at any point say that all you were doing was asking for MMO help. I addressed both questions you asked: “I am looking to assemble a small team” and “as to the best way to do the logic and card effects I’m stuck” (I am pretty positive you edited this message, and it used to be more vague). My response to the first question was not explicit, I suppose, but me saying that I hate Yu-Gi-Oh was the answer for me. To be more explicit: I’m not interested in helping. As for the second question, my response was to tell you to have more precision in your question asking. Looks like you’ve addressed that, although not yet well enough.


No. No. No. You’re just going to irritate people doing this. Don’t do this. Don’t. People will respond if they want. You posting 4 times in less than 2 hours (one post, which was specifically a bump post, only 9 minutes after the previous one!) is not going to make anybody else want to work with you.

So. In response to those 4 posts.
Yes, I’d recommend going somewhere else to get help. Almost all regular posters on this site are at least in college, most have graduated and work professionally. That means I doubt anyone here is a big fan of Yu-Gi-Oh. More importantly, what is our incentive to work with you? No offense meant, but you’re clearly inexperienced – both being a high school student and in the fact that you need help designing the hierarchy for a card game – so what’s the reason for me to join a project that isn’t even started, other than a “rough outline?” If I wanted to spend my minimal free time programming a Yu-Gi-Oh game, why wouldn’t I just do it myself?

I don’t want to scare you away from JGO, mind you. Whether or not you can find people to help, I encourage you to stay and ask for help on implementation questions. As I already mentioned, there are a lot of experienced and smart people in this forum who like to help. So, ask your question about card effects (in another post in another section of the forum) and we’ll answer.

PS - MMO does not mean RPG, as you seem to have thought I meant from your new topic title. MMO means Massively Multiplayer Online, which is what I took your game to be.

Maybe try a C# or Flash forum?

I suggest getting something simple done before asking for more volunteers.
My suggestions are:
Get a blog and post news on your updates, screen shots/videos help people get interested.
When you have some kind of tech demo out(who cares if its crap/wrong/etc), you should get some offers from people asking to help out. If not then that’s when you should ask for people to join.

Though sometimes a good place to get programmers/helpers/artist is to ask on a popular forum of what ever your game is about(in your case Yugioh).

I played Magic and Yugioh in real life tournaments. So me being interested in card games and programming, I developed a card game system in java at one point, which actually supports both games.

Obviously you need kinda database of all cards, which includes their effect, their copyrighted (problem right there) images, effects and types.

For a good look at a yugioh card game algorithm, I always liked Yugioh Worldwide edition on the Gameboy Advance.
All in all, its really just a TBS, turn based strategy game, in which you use cards instead of other things. (which also has been incorporated into action strategy games like EA’s BattleForge)

But people have done it for Magic and Yugioh, so seems there is little point now in reinventing it, at this point. Especially when its not popular anymore.

Since all of this has been done before, as Cero said, you should do this yourself without a team. You will learn more and have way more power over what gets done.