yet another looking for members thread

I feel noob posting this, but having a coding partner would increase my individual development speed (motivation) and obviously move the project forward overall. I already have a fairly good artist, and my own game idea (with some art, and some development).

I’m looking for a java+libgdx developer, because I know both (and basically that’s all I know). I’ve got some experience with libgdx, but I don’t know that much. I usually have problems completing projects, so I don’t really have much to show off.

I probably plan to sell a/this game because I need more stuff on my resume other than my shitty gpa, plus because everyone loves money.

No one? :emo:
back to my corner

I’m online alot (daily) due to respiratory issues and all I do is program java :slight_smile:

Games, Apps, Networking, GUI’s and anything else to feed my programming rampage xD

I know that with each project I make, I gain more java knowledge. (Game Dev is a endless frontier)

I’d be willing join, send me a PM so we can talk more :slight_smile:

EDIT: Heading to sleep at the moment, looking forward to a reply :>

I’ve got endless drive atm. All I do is work all day, service the lady and drink/program (not exclusively) til 3am pst every morning. I’m not terribly advanced in lwjgl but like I said I’ve got endless drive so if there’s any non libgdx-specific stuff you want to talk about/collab on I’m here.

Are you looking for someone to collaborate with you on your game, or are you looking for someone to provide motivation for your game? If it’s the latter, then I’m currently learning and using libgdx and box2D, and it would be certainly a great experience to help each other while we’re learning. I’ve found that working with someone and receiving a quick response about ideas really drives and motivates me to finish my projects. If it’s the former, then I’d be willing to help out depending on what this mysterious project that you’re referencing in your post is.

I’m saying that collaborating with someone will inherently improve my productiveness.