yet another fps counter (see attached file)
maybe the simplest way to use it is by showing the fps in the frame title, example code goes like this:
// construction
final JFrame frame = ..;
final FPSCounter fpsCounter = new FPSCounter();
fpsCounter.addFPSCounterListener(new FPSCounter.Listener() {
private NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance();
private String oldTitle = frame.getTitle() + " \t ";
public void averageFramesElapsed(FPSCounter.Event e) {
frame.setTitle(oldTitle + "[ FPS: " + nf.format(e.getAverageFps()) + "(AVG) " + nf.format(e.getAggregateFps()) + "(AGG) ]");
// init, e.g. jogls init method
// every frame, e.g. jogls display method
P.S. sorry for not removing the netbeans code folding tagsā¦ :