kingaschi> Usually we play in the evening time at GMT +1. Around 21-22, mostly on normal week days, on weekends people are busy doing other stuff. Keep the main window running (consumes very little cpu) to see when people are playing. The graphics were done by a friend of mine, and my brother. I am not very good at drawing graphics myself… guess you need the talent and time to do it. I have neither ;).
MickeyB> Did you get into the start screen of the game? OpenGL driver running correctly? Is there some error listed in the Client.log file (in the root xsw directory)?
tortoise> Try again some other time, you need to experience it in multiplayer ;D
I’m very nearly finished with Team Death Match mode. Hopefully I will have it ready sometime by the end of next week, then we will get some good team games going :). I think this will be very good for new players as then you can cooperate with other players. Right now there are a handful of very skilled players, and I’ve found that new players going up against these find it very difficult to get any kills at all (thus they find it frustrating), so it will be very good to actually have some of these players on your team, :).