Poo is no good
I downloaded 0.17c myself and tried it, worked good. It’s very bad of me to just discard the error trace I know, most people seem to be able to run it fine, once you get into the game any error is written to the client.log file, but if it crashes when pushing the buttons there is no error log. Hitting run server doesn’t show anything apart from servers online incrementing after a few seconds, I will add some new window for the server soon.
Anyways if you have the time you could try starting the game from a command window with this:
java -cp bin;xsw.jar;libraries/gagetimer/timer.jar;libraries/lwjgl/lwjgl.jar;libraries/lwjgl/lwjgl_util.jar; -Djava.library.path=libraries/lwjgl -XX:+UseParallelGC raz.XSWClient.Client
Then it should write any error on startup in the prompt window. This is the same command run when pressing play xsw.
You were able to start the game once before? But it hung itself during connecting to Master then? Are you using the same computer now? (then you should at least get to the same place…). What os are you running on?
There were one other person who had the game hang on connecting to Master which we have not resolved. If it says the number of players and servers online I find it very weird that it should hang when connecting to Master, since it uses the same kind of communication when getting the info about any players and servers that are online.
Anyways, I will implement better error handling/reporting soon, wont have time to do it this week though, but early next week I should have time.