<<Xith3D is the slowest, its API is a bit a mess, lots of the code is broken. It just looks like it is an unfinished attempt, stopped in the middle of a global refactoring.>> – Niwak, on vbousquet.free.fr
Hopefully this has been mostly fixed and is in the process of being even better…
<<August 5, 2006 - 12:32 PM
The initial beta release of the RPG Toolset has been posted on the Download page. This version is, of course, nowhere near a completely functional toolset, but it’s a step towards that goal. At this point, I am considering switching from Xith3D over to jMonkey Engine, as I believe it will make a lot of things easier to implement. If you have any questions, comments, or bugs to report, please send me a message using the Contact page.
August 19, 2006 - 8:23 PM
I decided to go ahead and switch from Xith3D over to jMonkey Engine, so I’ve been working on redesigning things for the toolset. I have also taken the opportunity to clean up a lot of the interface code that’s already been written. A lot will have to be redone in the conversion process, but I believe it will help out in the long run. Just for fun I implemented shadows, and they definitely add a nice touch to the maps. At this point I am working towards version 0.2, which will consist of the new engine running on jME along with a basic tile editor and object editor and some other minor features here and there.>> http://www.rpgtoolset.net/index.php?page=home
http://blogs.vislab.usyd.edu.au/index.php/FrancisNaoum?cat=53 At least some users…
We have a page on OpenGL.org ?? Cool ! http://www.opengl.org/products/detail/xith3d/
I did not know William was still actively working on it ;D “Will is one of the two current lead developers of Xith3D.” (http://www.williamdenniss.com/)
Apple plays the compatibility card : <<We all know that Java3D had a cost, so now lets show a benefit for having
Java3D? Even the people who used to use it all acknowledge that it is a dead
API outside of some very specialized use cases. I know for certain that I
have fielded a significant number of queries from people trying to move away
from it to JOGL on OSX (which led to some bug fixes on my part) or Xith3D.
JOGL and Xith3D are both faster, more capable, and more compatible. Xith3D
also offers API compatibility at the 95%.>> http://lists.apple.com/archives/java-dev/2004/Jul/msg00030.html
<<I’m planning to stick to higher-level API’s now, as low-level just has too many quirks that need to be figured out. Would you recommend learning Xith3D or jME? I know jME only support JLWGL, but Xith3D can support both JOGL and JLWGL, and plus JOGL integrates very cleanly into AWT and Swing. I don’t know if Xith can do all that jME does though, such as the 2d text rendering that digiwired was talking about and the buttons. If both of their functionality is more or less the same and the only cost is a bit of performance, I would rather go with Xith for the added compatibility with Swing.>>
<<I’m gonna have to learn either jMe or Xith>>
<<jME definetly
Xith3D is based on Java3D (slow, horrible…etc) so Xith3D comes from that line
jME is based on NetImmerse(a professional development suite) which is already known and tested. Collision detection is extremely fast in jME. And im developing an AI System for jME too (not part of the scenegraph but a different jar); so you get your AI tightly integrated with the scenegraph too. I dont believe Xith3D has an AI System.>> (He’s probably one of those who believes a scenegraph should prepare your meal… Aso, what does he mean with an AI System?)
<> http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/java/2004-06/msg00417.html
<<Personally, I had explored Java3D before this. While it has its place, Java3D is really too slow for, and just isn’t geared for, game development. Because I wanted to work on games, this caused me to look elsewhere, which led me to the Xith3D project. I went from there to jME, where I have stayed.
What initially attracted me to jME (away from Xith3D) was the highly active development community. I also liked that jME wasn’t trying to mimic another API. Whether that’s fair or not, it gave me the feeling of additional freedom and alliviated some concerns.>>
<<As far as Java Scene Graph API’s go, jME is the way to go. The community is awesome and the API is very easy to use and straightforward. I believe it performs better than Xith3D and the documenation is better and improving all the time.>>
Tell me, what’s the use of Linux support ? ;D http://homepage.mac.com/dsouthwick/FileSharing18.html
I noticed that jME users were really agressive on their forums, e.g. “seems like jME is kicking XIth3D rear”. Heck, what did we do to them ??