xith3d.dev.java.net : call to project owners

I modified the message on xith-tk to advertise the project has moved to sourceforge.net, see https://xith-tk.dev.java.net/

I think we should do the same with the xith3d core project but I’m not the project owner so I cannot do nothing.
Well if someone which is project owner (will, yvg?) please login, click the “Edit Project” link, then paste this code :

<p><h1><img src=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dd/Achtung.svg/80px-Achtung.svg.png>  The project has moved to SourceForge.net : <a href=http://sourceforge.net/projects/xith-tk>http://sourceforge.net/projects/xith3d</a></h1></p>

into the “Description” field, then hit “Submit changes” button and it’s done ! Thank you very much