Jogl has issues. There’s no better way of putting it.
Anyway, we finally managed to get the streaming terrain fully implemented, so if you log in when the server is up (should be fairly often nowadays), the client will download the terrain from the server as it’s needed.
Or, actually, the server will push it to the client.
Tile decorations are temporarily gone while I clean up the code for it, but the trees are optimised and reasonably final (we might use proper models for the closest n trees later on). There should be no more brief pauses when walking to the next tile.
Oh, and you run very very fast in the current client. About four times as fast as you will in the final game.
Oh yeah, and you can cut down trees now. Just doubleclick the axe in the inventory, then right click on a tree. If you’re close enough, you’ll start chopping away until the tree finally magically vanishes, and a small piece of wood (that strangely looks exactly like a small player character) will appear. You can pick that up by right clicking it, and later drop it by right clicking it in the inventory.
On a personal note, I really want to switch to a hexgrid. They just make a lot more sense, but the math is trickier.