Wurm Online most popular forum ever?

I was wondering if there have been more posts to the Wurm Online thread, in this “Your Games Here” section, than any other sinlge topic in the history of java-gaming.org (even back serval versions of the boards).

When I ask, I’m thinking, most posts for a creative thread. I’m hoping that you’ll not include flaming threads / arguments about C/C++ vs. java, and other arugumentative threads.

I think you may be right. I guess it shows the amount of interest in a beautiful dynamic multiplayer 3D world… in Java. I know I hit the JWS site a couple times a week just to see if I can notice any new features.

I personally think it’s just 'cause I keep bumping it. :wink:

If you smacked together all threads about Alien Flux, it’d probably get bigger than the Wurm thread.

Hm. Interesting point. Very popular nonetheless.

As a single threat, WURM is the biggest!


Best… Typo… EVER! ;D

It was a typo?
