Would appreciate if someone would critique my first game.


I created a simple pong/squash game using Java 2D. Could someone play it and give feedback? Particularly in regard to the motion blur on the moving objects in the game (at high speeds especially). It doesn’t look very nice. The link to the executable jar is here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2808431/pong-1.0.jar The source code is a maven project I created using Netbeans. it’s here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/2808431/pong.zip

I know I could clean up the code and make the interface nicer but in terms of functionality it’s a complete game. Any feedback appreciated.


I tried it (OS X 10), and it worked fine for me. I’m not that familiar with Java2D, but the motion blur seemed ok. Maybe someone else can comment on that. But, everything seemed to work correctly.

The only thing I noticed was some possible collision detection and response issues when the ball hits the side of the paddle. Specifically, it seems like maybe when the ball hits the side of the paddle, multiple collision events and ball velocity changes occur in quick succession.

The death sound really surprised me. Compared to the menu click sound, it was way loader.

It shouldn’t ask you to enter your name after each time you die and want to play again. The ‘default’ way to make highscores is to allow the player to ‘submit’ their highscore after they finish playing and ask their name right then.

The paddle has some weird bug when it touches the ball with it’s side, though I didn’t think it was that bad. Its kind of nice that the ball comes back up when you hit it with its side :slight_smile:

I would say its a nice little game you made :slight_smile: I enjoyed playing it for couple of minutes.

Pretty good, but if the ball even so much as touches the bottom left pixel of the paddle it goes shooting straight back up. Might want to fix that ;D