Working with the XBox360 analog sticks


I’m working with jinput to access my 360 controller, and have nearly everything working properly. However, one question: with the two analog sticks, the way that I am currently accessing them only sends information back to the application when the stick’s value changes. So, if I hold a stick in the same position (be it 1, -1, .423162346 or whatever else) no continuous data stream is sent back to the application.

How would I go about allowing for that?

My current code looks something like this:

        Controller[] ca = ControllerEnvironment.getDefaultEnvironment().getControllers();

        for(int i =0;i<ca.length;i++){
            //If controler is a gamepad, name it xbox
            if (ca[i].getType() == Controller.Type.GAMEPAD) {
                xbox = ca[i];

        while (true) {
                EventQueue queue = xbox.getEventQueue();
                Event event = new Event();

                while (queue.getNextEvent(event)) {
                    Component comp = event.getComponent();
                    float value = event.getValue();
                    //Code to handle other buttons...

                    if (comp.getName().equals("X Axis")) {
                         //Take action off the value
                    //Code to handle other buttons


Thanks for any help you can offer.

The easiest way is to record the value when it changes in a variable, and use that in your update code.

The way I use it is instead of moving say a character by the value of the axis at every game tick, set the speed of the character from the axis event, then use the speed in each game tick.

