Rex: good to hear from you.
For the past several months we have been working on a ground-up rewrite of the Java Plug-In, which provides applet support in the browser. The new plugin has a radically different architecture and is effectively Java Web Start for applets. Multiple applets continue to run in the same JVM instance, but you can request a JRE version or JVM command-line arguments (like -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true) on a per-applet basis, in which case a new JVM is launched to satisfy those requests.
The new plug-in is available right now for early access testing at . Release notes can be found at .
As you might imagine, it was designed with the specific goal in mind of executing JOGL content reliably in the web browser. I am pleased to say that we have achieved this goal.
The current build of 6u10 is build 12. The following build, 13, will support launching applets directly from JNLP files. This means that deployment as an applet via the Java Plug-In and deployment as an application via Java Web Start will be basically identical. You can pull in JOGL and other JNLP extensions directly into applets. JRE version requests and JVM command-line arguments specified in the JNLP file apply equally to both applications and applets.
I’m very excited about the possibilities the new plug-in provides and hope you will be too. Please take a look and see whether it satisfies your needs. If so, please try it out and provide feedback on either the Java Plug-In forum at or on the 6uN early access forum at .
Demos will be coming in a few weeks that showcase the new JNLP support for applets and what it enables.