I started working on this game in December, but I haven’t worked on it since early January.
I do not know what I can do to make it a finished “product”. I like the look n’ feel of the game, but there is something that just isn’t quite right, I do not know what. It’s maybe too “brute force”, and too little strategy. I’m unsure about screen scrolling, resource system, etc.
It’s like… now I have a game where you build towers, and it looks alright, but how can I make a good game out of this? Should I make it only-instant-mission game, a singleplayer game with successive missions?
So, please suggest something to me Just test it and let me know what you think, what should be changed, etc.
- It has (limited) multiplayer support, and uses ports 57007 (tcp) and 57008 (udp).
- Use keys 1-8 to build towers.
Webpage: http://gamadu.com/games/towerfield/
Webstart: http://gamadu.com/games/towerfield/webstart/towerfield.jnlp
Thanks so much!