WIP Breakout clone


This is posted way early, for my standards. Usually, I make the game and never release it because I get tired of the whole thing.
However, this time around I want to release something. So I’m posting right away!

The game is playable, although not very fun. Currently, it is the result of about 3 hours of hacking - I wanted to do it right, rather than just protoype crap.

At this point, I’m unsure how to handle a bat-collision. Should I calculate the balls new movement compared to where it hit the bat, or is it fine now?
I’ve played with it for too long to tell.

The key now is to hit the ball while moving the bat. You can change the amount of energy that is not lost in te collision, because surely not all
of the bats velocity is transferred to the ball when they collide. Please report back what felt nice.
Keys for that are A, and Q.
R to reset.

Game is available here: http://www.javadaemon.com/games/breakout.

You should limit fps, because with my system (java 6, windows 7, intel core 2) runs at 800 fps and is unplayable :frowning:

It runs at 61 FPS for me :slight_smile: