
Hi guys,

What type of widget do i usa to make something like textArea, that is able to append Strings on it? Is there one?
I need to do a container that displays messages to the user
I was looking for it but couldn’t find any


This is one of the most important things the HUD still needs. When I’m ready with render code optizations, I’ll create a TextField / TextArea Widget, A ListBox and a ComboBox. Well, I’ll look how they’re exactly called in Swing and take these names, but you what I mean.

If you only want to display text, you can use the Label Widget in org.xith3d.ui.hud.widgets (where all Widets reside).


Yes i’ve looked on it but as i understand it only prints a String. Am i correct?
And i need to print many Strings to user .

It can handle multiple lines (separated by ‘\n’). It can align the text horizontally and vertically. You can even take several Labels, if this fits your needs better. Is there anything, that Label isn’t able to, except being an input Widget? Maybe we can improve it.


I’m handle it using ‘\n’ for the time being

I’m using for output only
I think the label is ok, what would really improve is the textArea.



Yes. I know. It has “high” priority on the dev-plan. See position #12. You see, there’s much to do :).


Yes i know you guys are working hard to improve xith3d. ;D
I’ll handle with label now and then update when you release it

Thanks Marvin,
