Hey guys, I just realized many of you may not have ever seen this jME Demo Video shown at Java One:
great video… but I hate the music
Awesome video!
That ‘Spirits’ game looks particularly impressive - nothing on their oficial site yet though…
(I agree - the music sux!)
I believe Renanse put the video together in one night, so my expectation was he was a little hard-pressed for time so don’t be too hard on the music.
I quite liked some of the music
I am very impressed by that Monkey engine stuff. If only I wasn’t so useless I’d be able to use it!
Impressive stuff indeed!
I found some more footage of that Spirits game here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CC7eFIzQi4
Heh, sorry if you don’t like the music. I needed something that had a good beat, few vocals, and (probably most important) was obscure enough to not be legal bait. That and I put it all together in a single night as was mentioned. I happen to like the “group” a lot though, especially the first cd.
Anyhow, I was very happy to see the video show at the JavaOne '07 After Dark party in front of a huge crowd! ;D From what I’ve seen, these projects are just the tip of the iceberg and I personally expect a lot more great Java demos and games in the not too distant future.