jME’s site is unavailable again.
The intarweb is plotting against me. >:(
Damn! I was also about to ask a question on the forums there.
Thankfully jME has 2 forums.
I’ll ask here.
How good is jME at pure 2D rendering?
I REALLY HATE using OpenGL as the explanations on anything are so raw that it’s simply useless to look at documentation.
There is NOT a single document that had told me that glOrtho transforms the 2D space coordinates to 0,0 being on the top left corner of the screen rather than bottom left.
I had to search rigorously for anything remotely helpful to get an explanation.
I don’t just want to use OpenGL, I want to understand it too.
Too bad there are no tutorials on the web that explain OpenGL.
I’ve searched sites like NeHe and they don’t offer any real explanations on how this and that works, all they offer are “this is how you use this” and that’s it.
Just recently I figured out how to get a texture to display in it’s original state and no one would help me with it.
For those who want to know: imgSize * 2 / screenSize
imgWidth * 2 / scrnWidth
imgHeight * 2 / scrnHeight
You see here is a fundamental problem with tutorials, they don’t explain how to get an image to display in GL as in Windows.
Why do I have to multiply the original image size by 2?
Why do I have to divide twice the image size by the screen size?