I have enormous issues with developing simple things.
My assignment was a game, I chose to remake an existing game for my assignment.
Here’s the problem, I didn’t get it finished, however I did end up having over 100 classes(140 was a close estimate).
This struck me strange as well because I for such a huge amount of work I didn’t get much of the actual game done, this apparently seems like a common thing with me.
I end up building an AI system, graphics engine, event system among other things but I didn’t finish the game itself.
For one of my labs several months ago, one question was to build a networked naughts and crosses game. Simple? I mean the source that was there was only 2 files, we were told to modify it and implement a few features to it.
I built my own version of naughts and crosses into 40 classes and only after many revisions.
Taken me about 2 weeks to do before I showed it to my lecturer.
Big question is, why am I always building everything but the game?
Everything associated with the game is built, just not the game.
I’m always thinking about “what if” scenarios when designing any software.
Does anyone have any advice that which can help me remove myself from my self destructive behaviour?