whos fit in ant? need to run jini webserver

im not too familiar with ant but currently writing a script for running the whole bunch of jini services.
first theres the example webserver reggie, which has to run in the background (after ant finished)

so i tried this:

<java jar="${jini.home}/tools.jar" fork="true" spawn="true">
	<arg value="-port ${webserver.port}" />
	<arg value="-dir ${webserver.dir}" />
	<arg value="-verbose" />

i really thought fork and spawn set to true would run it in its own process for indefinite time, but
it shuts down right after ant …

Is tools.jar an executable JAR file with a manifest defining the main class? If not, you’ve forgotton to specify the classname attribute with the name of the class you want to run.

(I think you are right that setting spawn=“true” should leave the program running after ant finishes.)

yes, theres a manifest, moreover i tried the same commando on windows prompt,
there everything runs fine…