Which script-system would you use/recommend for your full game? (Mainly for your AI, but not only.)
Say, you would consider these three options:
a) the game is pure Java.
b) the game is “Dirty Java”: some parts of your game are in C++, some in Java, some in Xzy.
c) the game is pure C++.
Would Java fit well as script engine? (Like they used it in the Vampire game; please see list below…)
Did you ever run the funny Robocode game? Isn’t that a kind of nice “scripts” (actually small but real Java programs) which can be loaded, compiled and run during the game?
What would be the pros of some other script languages, like Python, LUA, or … ?
(One disadvantage of them, compared to Java, is: they’re - much - slower.)
A list of some “Dirty Java” games, several of them using Java as script engine.
(Quoted from a danish Java Games report some years ago. Let’s forget its benchmarks for a moment
° Probably the best example of Java in games is the highly acclaimed game Vampire -The Masquerade: Redemption (2000) from Nihilistic software. This game uses Java JDK 1.1 as its scripting engine. The rest is written in C++. This game runs with very high performance, has excellent graphics and gotten fine reviews. According to [Huebner], Nihilistic Software was very satisfied with the use of Java.
[Huebner] Huebner, R.: Postmortem of Nihilistic Software?s Vampire: The Masquerade ? Redemption. Game Developer Magazine. July 2000. Also available online at Gamasutra: http://www.gamasutra.com/features/20000802/huebner_01.htm
° IL-2 Sturmovik (2001) by Maddox Games: Uses dirty Java by mixing Java with C++, such that logic and part of the game engine is in Java but all the graphics are in C++. This game has gotten very good reviews.
° Worthy of note in this category is Who wants to be a Millionaire (2000) developed by Jellyvison and based on the popular TV-show of the same name. It topped the game sales charts for months. Here the game logic was written in Java and the rest in C++.
° Of other commercial games using putting the game logic in Java and the rest in C++ can be mentioned You don’t know Jack (1995) by Jellyvision and Majestic (2001) by Electronic Arts.
° The Sega Dreamcast games Skies of Arcadia (2000) and Daytona USA (2001) both by Sega includes a Java virtual machine. Especially Skies of Arcadia got fine reviews.
° Starwars Galaxies uses a Java script engine?
° Chrome (2003) {edit}