Which is the best Java 3D Mobile Device?

Hi all,
Sorry if this is covered elsewhere, pls drop link if so, but I am looking for the bestetst, badest phone/PDA/handheld device for developing and running M3G (Java 3D Mobile) applications on.

I have been checking out Sony/Ericsson phones but also looking into devices that had new nVidia/ATI acceleration.

Can anyone comment on there devices or ones they’ve tested?

Since this is for R & D and for porting tests, $$$ is no object so if the $800.00 cell phone really does rock Java 3D, let’s hear about it!

Thanks for any info.

OK, in an effort to compile this information publicly I have found an active benchmarking site many of you probably know about but here’s the link anyway:


It has 3D benchmarks for many devices.

Another free M3G benchmarking test is SPMark Java06. Checkout the video of it in action.

Running the 3D animation gives these results:
SonyEricsson K750i : 4.2 FPS
SonyEricsson W800 : 4.2 FPS
Nokia 6630 : 13.5 FPS
Nokia 6680 : 11.4 FPS

Sadly there isn’t a listing for the Sharp 903 which should be a lot faster than all of these. (and I don’t have access to one yet either :’( )

Both the Nokia 6630 and the SonyEricssons are great for developing midlets. The SonyEricssons have on-device debugging which is always good. The Sharps can be a bit of a pain.

(I should point out that I don’t have access to the latest M3G devices, these are just the ones I know, so there might be better ones out there)

If money is no object then I would suggest buying all of them. :smiley: They will all behave differently anyway.

Since this thread title will probably keep drawing some attention…

The latest Sony Ericsson walkman w900 (i,a,etc) is looking pretty hot.
It sports the nVidia GoForce 3D 4800 chip (http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=28951), which supports OpenGL ES and M3G (Java 3D for J2ME)

Also http://www.jbenchmark.com has a new benchmark out, and some phoen results.

a new version of jbenchmarck is available - high definition, with beter graphics modelsand texture resoluton, texture filtering etc

first and second place now is sharp 903 ( average 9 fps) , 703 (~9fps)
third sony ericsson - w900i - 8,4fps

check them here:

two years ago we had first worldwide available phones with m3g, now we have accelerated graphics, it will be intresting what we will have in one year time