thats true. you’ll learn a lot doing that.
my advice is that when you feel you learnt enough already, go and try out an ide and your coding will be speeded up a lot
By the way, im not using jbuilder, i sticked at netbeans. however, i dont like that it doesnt keep the original parameters name when i choose a function.
Lets say there is a fuction that is: myFunction(int width, int height, String name, CertainObject myObject);
If i have something like this:
int myAge = 20;
int myWeight = 75;
String anUselessString = “”;
as soon as i hit enter in myFunction (so it writes it for me), it automatically fills the function parameters with same type (not always) variables. In the case avobe:
int myAge = 20;
int myWeight = 75;
String anUselessString = “”;
this.myFunction(myAge, myWeight, anUselessString, anObject);
Where anObject is something i declared way before (which nothing has to do with the function).
The problem is that i want to know what i need to put on each parameter, and myFunction(width, height, name, myObject)
gives me more information than (myAge, myWeight, anUselessString, anObject).
Another thing i dislike is that when i send wrong parameters to a constructor, it doesnt tell me which parameters i should send to it, it just says “i cannot find the symbol at …” which is not really informative.
Then it has a couple of bugs not finding things that are just in front of it. for example i have all my classes in a folder called FC, then in my 10th class i added package FC and it keept telling me that it couldnt find the package. Deleting and re-copying the class fixed the problem.