Hmm. I would disagree and say that in general it is computing intensive, based on the way that modern commercial games are developed, where scripting is often a very big part of the resource usage. c.f. the interest in LOD-AI because AI demands today are far beyond what a game can achieve.
I’ve also heard several horror stories from commercial developers who’ve used python, naively accepting the words of the python evangelists:
“It’s faster to code, and if it’s too slow to execute, you can just re-write the affected parts in C/C++”
Yeah, theoretically. But…the people I’ve heard from have discovered that when you get to that point almost EVERYTHING needs rewriting in C, to the extent that Python can easily be a net producitivity loss.
Shrug. Someone else I know was going to write a paper outlining where an how python is terrible for games development, based on his own experiences (and he likes python, he just is fed up of it failing in important places). In the end he bottled out, concerned at the backlash that would probably hit him :(.
c.f. our discovery with survivor that Beanshell is 80%-99% the speed of java for everything…except some loops! You could get a long way into writing yoru game in beanshell before discovering THAT nasty aspect (although at least with beanshell you can copy/paste into java, unlike python to C).