Where to upload your midlets

I’m looking for good places to upload my midlets to. I’m currently using www.midletcentral.com but it doesn’t work very well. It’s more than slow to upload midlets and trying to login with the wapbrowser doesn’t work more times that it works.

So, I’m looking for alternatives. Preferbly where I can get som statistics over the downloads.

Thanks in advance
Roland Carlsson

Have you ever tried “midlet.org” or “www.kvmworld.com”?

Are you looking for site to upload midlets just for fun or those sites that allow you enter your midlets into a product catalogue to sell them?

http://wap.justanotherportal.de is very good but in german.


Hello friends

       Which is the best site to upload some

free fun games. :smiley:

for a list of site your can upload/download midlets, check out here

