What's your "game dev dream"

By this, I mean what is a project you’ve dreamed of doing but due to lack of technical/artistic/etc skill, you haven’t been able to do.

Personally, my dream project is an abstract, geometry based game, kind of like Geometry Wars mixed with RFLEX’s retro aesthetic.

Like the post title says, what’s your game dev dream?

pretty much what i’ve always wanted shard master to be, lmao. alas, such a game would be too large for me. I might get there one day

I’d really like to be able to a breathtakingly beautiful island using LWJGL, but as of now I’m unable to realise this dream as I simply lack the skill to do so. Of course, I’m still learning OpenGL, so I hope I’ll eventually be able to accomplish this feat (it’s a feat to me, but probably not to certain people on this forum ahem theagentd ahem).

I would really like to make a 2D look down game which is not tile based but uses vectors for the map boundaries and obstacles. The maps would be set in a green forest similar to ags’ Vangard, but perhaps with a more Japanese blossom-style landscape.
The game style would be similar to either Diablo or Pokemon in terms of how the characters battle. But the graphics would not be isometric, just layered 2D vector graphics with gradients.
Ideally the game would have some kind of educational tilt, helping to learn either maths or economics. But that is asking a lot I know, I’d settle for a hack and slash!
Here is some mock up art i did in inkscape, experimenting with the graphics style.

I like abstract geometric vector graphics too, I’m personally not fond pixel art.
Have you seen ‘sins of a solar empire’? It’s one of the best RTS games I’ve played in a LAN and could be done in a vector-graphics style.

@CommanderKeith that looks really cool, you could even procedurally generate and animate the plants, and probably other scenery too.

Thanks liquidnitrogen, yes that’s a good idea to make them procedural. I didn’t think of that, that’s why I made many different versions of the same thing.
It might be nice to also animate everything individually, such as the leaves blowing aroind when a gust of wind sweeps through.

Well, your first mistake is shading vertices. You have to do lighting per pixel nowadays. =PPP

Yeah, I know, I do the final lighting calculations in my fragment shader (which I’m pretty sure is also known as the per-pixel shader…right?).

My dream game isn’t limited by technical problems, more so by time problems.

I want to make a top down open world survival game that’s mostly centered around Harvest Moon style game play but with Diablo-style dungeon crawling. The world would be full of randomly generated content, and to gather things for your home/farm you have to delve into nearby dungeons and abandoned buildings.

The problem is, while I can code something like that, the sheer volume of content I’d need would prevent me from ever finishing the project. :wink:

Oh wait. OH SORRY, you were making a joke, weren’t you? Yeah, yeah: I get it. ShadedVertex.

I lack a sense of humour, sorry.

EDIT: No, I actually don’t lack a sense of humour.

I would rather have liked to do Battledroid in true 3D but I realise now that’s the sort of undertaking that needs actual teams of experts working on it for years, and it’d probably make no more actual money than if it were done in 2D. So it remains a pipe dream.

Cas :slight_smile:

Yeah… for me there are also mostly time problems.

For my dream game I want to create an own universe and then creating different games in different genres in that universe. :slight_smile:
To do that I also want to learn doing art and music besides programming and game design.

Haha, jokes aside…

My interest lies in graphics programming, so I guess my dream is to have proper art to complement the shaders and stuff. Considering how hard it is to get decent artists for WSW, we’ll see how that pans out. x_x

Anything that players will remember for at least a few years. Right now I’m thinking of a game based on old tales, probably will be called as Grandpa Tales.

I can rely to that, time is also my main issue - but the idea sounds awesome. Have you considered working in a team?

So yeah, I also struggle with the time so my dream is actually getting more time to finish (if thats even possible) my current project and that it gets some attention :slight_smile:

Lots of games I would kill for to be involved with, like a possible Bloodborne 2

In general writing and possibly directing a game that is played by a LOT of people which explores the human nature, science and philosophy, touches people emotionally, makes them think and feel.

Basically doing what Ken Levine and Hideo Kojima have been done with some exceptions.

I wanted a Java based gaming console!

It should be called “The Kettle” as it would use an OS dedicated to optimising the virtual machine to run Java (Coffee).

I was thinking games could be sold on flash disks rather than modern optical disks. Also if you download a game free/purchased you can get it to download onto a blank flash disk (with a serial to prevent multiple instances of the app on other consoles). It’s sort of a compromise between cartridge gaming (which I miss the feeling of) and modern performance requirements. This way kids can trade games with each other like the good ol’days. The console wouldn’t need a moving internal hard drive for excessive storage requirements only an SSD for OS and basic updates. Games can update/save onto their own flash disk with no write permissions to the internal HD.

The add for the console could have a kid on his skate board with a neckless of cool looking flash disks (making the sound of flash disks hitting each other). He enters the house of a friend. He goes straight to the lounge room where his friend is, sticks in a flash disk turns on the console and grabs a controller with his mate, and then… a boiling kettle sound is made with steam coming out of the console with the TV Monitor lighting up.

It could also have a “make your own game” tutorial package that comes with an IDE on a flash disk and a kid friendly text book of how to make your own games. Though really the book would be an intro to java and lastly how to utilise an already made game library.

CommanderKeith, that is the kind of graphical direction I want to take Vangard in, not including the oriental feel which is very pretty by the way. I’m planning on representing people as simple animated silhouettes, adding lowpoly branches to the trees and so on. I’m just permanently bogged down in the AI…

My dream game is Vangard, a whole world deep simulation. And I’m writing it!

A massively online (hundreds of “commanders”) multiplayer rts-like game with action focused gameplay, long ongoing battles and simple/stylized 3d graphics.
