What technologies are you using with your game?

I wanted to take a survey of the field and get an idea of which technologies people who are actually building games are using. I’m only referring to relatively ‘high-level’ APIs here. (multiple choice)

I’ve used Java2D/awt (the fullscreen way) to make a plataformer (ala Megaman).
I want to port it to OpenGL(LWJGL), but I’ve not found a good tutorial for 2d in 3d… a simple demo of tiling coul help…

You should have put AWT/none as an answer; thats what I’ve used till now and I can’t respond to the poll without skewing the result toward java2d.

Jogl + Swing, with Joal and JInput as soon as I can justifiy spending the time to add them.

AWT and Java2D are heavily intermingled; you might find it’s using some Java2D under the hood. So just check Java2D and we’ll assume that it means one and the same.

Cas :slight_smile:

I’m currently using LWJGL to develop the engine that will support my first couple of indie titles. I’m developing the engine under a BSD license - and it’s currently awaiting approval for hosting at java.net (just need 2 more +1 votes - hint, hint).


I’m using jogl and I’m interested in joal and jinput, but had not time to check them out sofar.