what now?

i have 17 devlog on my puzzel game , and i feel like the dip will come anyday now, what do i do?, i dont just want do abondon the project
coos its a cool game ?? help?

Excuse me?

COmmon, we know what he is talking about…

well i have been working on an puzzel game for 17 days now, and it feels like the dip is comming. “when you just abondon the project basicly”

how can i prevent this? i need some help

You should always phrase like this.
It is very hard to tell you what to do, because only you can know it, so if you think your project is not worth it, well, then you cant work properly on it, so drop it, but try to avoid these situations though…

i think its worth working on but i just feels that i will come to the same spot as all my 2d games “i just abondon it”

write a to-do list of the things needed to finish it in a short time frame and then go do it and move on.

sounds good to me, this is the dip if you dont know what it is “for all pp now” http://sethgodin.typepad.com/the_dip/

The wall, dip, writer’s block… no matter what, it will always come in some point. You just need to learn to deal with it and push forward.

Like LiquidNitrogen said, make a to-do list. Figure out the essential things your game needs. Tear it down to its bones. Drop everything else.

Make your game playable, even if it’s ugly. You can always polish and add features later.

  1. stop using todo-lists.

usually todo-lists contain stuff that you dont like to do. stuff that you like to do you just do, no reminder required. having a list of things that suck will not motivate you.

better make a list of awesome things you like to have in your game and then code them (or learn first, then code).

other then that, i do not have an advice for you. really depends on what kind of person you are and the project ofc.

Who said the development process will be always fun? :slight_smile:

IMO just adding awesome things that pop into your mind is the circle of feature creep, a good recipe to not finish your projects.

Pertinent Coding Horror: http://blog.codinghorror.com/three-things/

But be careful about getting lost in unachievable daydreams and feature creep. Keep your goals very small so that you have some hope of achieving them, and don’t add to your list until you’ve accomplished something.

here is the game so far https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yc2i7-CC50

Dedication is a skill that can be applied in many fields during your life so it’s a good thing to master.
However, as I said it’s a skill that you have to practice, and the way to practice it is to keep going, even if it’s not fun anymore.
Development is not always fun, there are less fun parts and particularly annoying parts but if you can’t get over them you’ll never have anything on your hands that you can be proud of.
Nobody is going to tie you in front of your PC to finish your projects and there’s no magic trick to keep motivated either, so it’s all up to you. :slight_smile:

It’s looking pretty good so far. Keep it up! I agree with the previous posters on dedication, it’s a skill like any other and takes practice.

Something that has helped me recently(over the last year) is having a clear goal in mind from the outset and keeping the game “simple”.

I think if you sit down at the beginning and decide what your final game will include, write it all out story/levels/features/classes/etc, before you even touch coding then you have a better chance of success. From there it’s all about the determination to keep going till you’re done.

Here are my 2 cents.

I used to start on new projects on a whim. I’d get an idea, and started coding on it the same day. I generally lasted a few weeks or even a month before I got stuck or bored of it and just dropped it. Nowadays when I get an idea I think about it for a long time. Something that sounds awesome when you come up with it but gets really meh after just a few days or even a few weeks isn’t really a good idea in the first place. I imagine the players will get bored of the concept even quicker than I will, so why settle for anything less than what you yourself would find interesting in the long run?

TL;DR: Don’t jump right in on coding your “great” idea. Instead, let it “boil” for a few weeks and see if it still has you hooked. Basically, have one or two ideas cooking while you work on your current “proved” good idea(s).

This is pretty good advice, but you could also try going the other way: instead of ruminating on ideas for weeks, try boiling your ideas down to a very small core concept that you can get up and running in a very short amount of time (think hours or days, not weeks). That way you can spend a week creating a prototype to see if it feels as fun as you thought it would. Then if it works, great, spend some more time on it (adding very small features incrementally), and if not, you’re only out a short amount of time and you can jump on the next project.

This is the kind of approach that works for things like Ludum Dare, which is in a month! http://www.ludumdare.com/compo/

A month?? NO! God DAMMIT. Of course, right when school restarts. Maybe I’ll get lucky the 5th time around.
Yes that’s right. It’s happened 4 times now in a time when I can’t do it. In a row. Grr ::slight_smile:


this is very true.

also have to quote myself, ofc i’m oversimplifying when saying “just code”. agentd’s approach is very healthy i think. do not rush, take your time.

small thoughtful steps helped me avoiding getting stucked. avoiding getting numbed by lack of knowledge or general suckness. slow pace, learning, making small demos. coding like that, i was able to get a few things done i was sorta afraid of before.

ty for all this good advice’s thay will help =D