What is the prize for the competition


Duke Dollars!

And eternal fame - for about a year.

a nice bit of information to stick on your CV.

I’ll give the winner five free minutes in my favorite sofa.

Not during Lost. I need it during Lost.

And a free 1 year’s subscription to GameLizard.com!! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I won one of those once. (Found a bug.) Still haven’t figured out how a free subscription to a free service works. :stuck_out_tongue: ;D

you win a chance for your game to be displayed on Java Unlimited - a complete service that even offers you a download count.

take that, chew it, enjoy it. :stuck_out_tongue:

(technically you also win about 4K of hosting since I archive all of the games onto the Java Unlimited server …) :wink:

I’ll have to remember to collect all of these promises :slight_smile:

OH, so you think you’ve won already eh? :wink:

Yea, I’ll release my game on the last day so nobody will steal my ideas :slight_smile:

…and tell you about bugs or things to improve… :wink: